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American Magazine, 381 Fourth Avenue, New York City. Art World, 2 West 45th Street, New York City. Atlantic Monthly, 3 Park Street, Boston, Mass. Bellman, 118 South 6th Street, Minneapolis, Minn. Black Cat, Salem, Mass. Boston Evening Transcript, 324 Washington Street, Boston, Mass. Century Magazine, 353 Fourth Avenue, New York City. Collier's Weekly, 416 West 13th Street, New York City.

"Double, Minn, so the wreath can lie nicely in between; and make those braids as rich as possible. I wish to look my best to-night. You have always lived here since you were born, Minn? was a baby when I was a baby?" "Yes, my dear Miss, and my mother was your nurse; your own mother not liking to spoil her figure by nursing her child, you were put to my mother's breast. So mother tells me."

I think the student body recognize the library as a place where they can find absolute quiet, and welcome it in that light, and most of them are glad to help to keep it so. Mrs. Alice A. Lamb, Litchfield, Minn. Our library opened four years ago. An acquaintance, through teaching, with most of the children of the town has been of great assistance.

"Well, Miss Della, don't chide me now about it; if it got you off without any more questions you are very glad, are you not?" "Of course, if it wasn't falsehood." "It certainly was not, Miss Della; now dry your eyes, and I will show you something." "A letter, Minn, from from him?" Minny smiled, and nodded her head. "Bathe my eyes, then, and I won't shed another tear."

When she sprang up as he called her, and forced a smile before he looked into her face, I wished I had been as ugly as Minn oo, that I might have belonged to the miseries, worst-tempered man living, rather than have so provoked the giant." "But what did he do?" "Well that he don't hear you!" returned Eunané. "But I can answer; nothing.

How came you to be so white, when your mother is the blackest slave papa owns?" A scarlet flush rose to the quadroon's cheek. "My father, Miss, was as white as your own." "Were you born here, Minn?" "My mother was in your father's service when she gave me birth, Miss Della. Will you have your bandeaux single or double for this evening?"

"Yes, I know, Minn; and I think it a very shameful practice, too. I never want to be a fashionable woman, if it is going to deprive me of performing a mother's holiest offices for my children. I'm sure after a child of mine had been reared at a black mother's breast I should feel they were black children, had black blood in their veins, and I never could feel right toward them again."

This minister I had met once before, and the Lord said to me, "You had better look out for that man; he is not right with me. He will get you into trouble." Some days later I received a telephone message to come to St. Paul Park, Minn. at once. I went accordingly.

One time I was holding services nine miles north of Kerkhoven, Minn. The meetings were very good, but I was under a very severe trial, and it seemed very difficult for me to learn the will of the Lord as to whether at the close of the meeting I should go home or to Grand Forks, North Dakota, Camp Meeting. I learned that my fare from Kerkhoven to Grand Forks would be $3.32.

The foreman said Erve Bullard could not play glue much better than I. We had many daring and pleasing episodes this season roping horses busting and branding. We quit riding early that summer and spent some time traveling. I visited the grave of Calamity Jane. Wild Bills Wife; and His grave too. Went to the Little bighorn to Custers Tomb. Over to Nothfield Minn. where the Youngers were correlled.