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They hurried home therefore with this information, and that day accompanied by the Dyak youths, Nigel, the hermit, and Moses Verkimier started off in search of the mias; intending to camp out or to take advantage of a native hut if they should chance to be near one when night overtook them.

After a time, the mias, having eaten as much food as he required, descended the tree towards the edge of the water, holding on to a branch with one of his powerful hands, while he stooped down to spoon out the water with the other.

At length I heard him speaking, but in so low a voice that I had to put my ear to his mouth. "What is it all about?" he asked; "what has happened?" "Do not be anxious, dear Oliver," I said. "The sun was very hot, and you fainted." I did not like to tell him of our alarm about the mias. "But I shall soon be well," he answered. "It is very hot here.

Malays, settled on the Malayan peninsula, coasts of Borneo, &c. &c., a race of seafaring character, often piratical, and conquerors of various native tribes in the Indian Archipelago. Malukus, pirates from a bay in Gillolo, whose country is in the possession of the Dutch. Marundum, an island off Borneo. Mias Rombi and M. Pappan, two species of ourang-outang, determined by Mr. Brooke.

On another occasion they gnawed away a good deal of the upper leather of my strong boots, and even ate a piece of my mosquito-curtain, where some lamp-oil had been spilt over it some weeks before. On our return down the stream, we had the fortune to fall in with a very old male Mias, feeding on some low trees growing in the water.

That they had approached so near without being observed was due to the fact that a brawling rapid flowed just there, and the mias was on the other side of the stream. By mutual consent the men crouched to watch its proceedings.

The mias had not the slightest difficulty in keeping his position on the scaly monster's back, as its movements were far too slow to throw him off. He continued belabouring it with his fists till it ceased to move.

Still she managed to run on, while the mias continued descending the tree. Before, however, it had reached the ground she had got up to the rock, at no great distance from Grace. "Run! run!" cried Grace; "get safely on to the rock, good Frau, and I will defend you." "No, no, my child," answered the Frau. "It is for me to fight. Give me the gun. I know how to use it.

"There are two animals in that tree where they are at work," cried Morris, as he pointed to the scene of operations. "One of them is a big one, and the other is a little one," he added, when he obtained a better view of the game the Malays were trying to obtain. "What are they, Achang?" "Mias! Mias!" exclaimed the native, as a movement of the boat ahead gave him a full view of the creatures.

"You've not much chance of him now," remarked the hermit, as they all stood in a group gazing up into the tree-top. "I have often seen the mias act thus when severely wounded. He is making a nest to lie down and die in." "Zen ve must shoot again," said the professor, moving round the tree and looking out for a sign of the animal.