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Two currents have therefore passed through the membrane, one of water from the outside to the inside, and one of alcohol in the converse direction. It is also noted that a difference in the levels has occurred, and that the liquid in the tube now rises to a considerable height. It must therefore be admitted that the flow of the water has been more rapid than that of the alcohol.

The disease may commence in the synovial membrane or in the marrow of one of the adjacent bones, and the relative frequency of these two seats of infection has been the subject of considerable difference of opinion.

The opening of the appendix is so very small that inflammation of the cecum soon closes it and then we have a mucous surface without drainage, which means obstruction opposition to the requirements of nature for one of the functions of the mucous membrane is to secrete and this secretion must have an outlet or the part becomes diseased.

This want of homogeneity may, according to M. Quincke, be due to the existence of particles suspended in a liquid in contact with another liquid miscible with it and enveloping it as might a membrane, and the phenomena of polarization would thus be quite naturally explained. See Proc. Roy. Soc. A., 23rd July 1906.

Great care must be taken and the knife used very cautiously when you are cutting through the different parts close to where the bill joins on to the head: if you cut away too much the bill drops off; if you press too hard the knife comes through the horn; if you leave too great a portion of the membrane it appears through the horn and, by becoming black when dried, makes the horn appear black also, and has a bad effect.

The continuous line represents the basement membrane. The dotted line represents the position of the cells on one side of the basement membrane. The irregular lines show the position of the blood-vessels. The practical details of these and other tests which assume some knowledge of chemistry, should be learned from some manual on the subject. The Peritoneum.

Here, again, the problem must be considered from the point of view of evolution. It can scarcely be doubted that the thickening and growth of the mucous membrane in the menstrual cycle is of the same nature as that which takes place in pregnancy.

It irritates and dries the mucous membrane of the mouth and throat, producing an unnatural thirst which becomes an enticement to the use of intoxicating liquors. The inflammation of the mouth and throat is apt to extend up the Eustachian tube, thus impairing the sense of hearing. But even these are not all the bad effects of tobacco.

The variations of posture depend on the seat of the inflammation; the pain depends on the two inflamed surfaces of the membrane rubbing against each other, and accordingly is relieved not merely by the abatement of the inflammation, but also when either the two surfaces become, as they often do, adherent to each other, or when fluid is poured out into the cavity of the chest, and thus keeps them asunder.

Further, in this foramen ovale, from that part which regards the pulmonary vein, there is a thin tough membrane, larger than the opening, extended like an operculum or cover; this membrane in the adult blocking up the foramen, and adhering on all sides, finally closes it up, and almost obliterates every trace of it.