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For a century it stood like a dam across the course of discovery; but, as with all barriers that rest upon authority, and not upon truth, the pressure from behind increased, and eventually swept the barrier away. In 1808 Malus, looking through Iceland spar at the sun, reflected from the window of the Luxembourg Palace in Paris, discovered the polarization of light by reflection.

The experiments of two Frenchmen, Hippolyte L. Fizeau and Leon Foucault, served finally to convince the last lingering sceptics that light is an undulation; and by implication brought heat into the same category, since James David Forbes, the Scotch physicist, had shown in 1837 that radiant heat conforms to the same laws of polarization and double refraction that govern light.

By substituting appropriate machines for the stone we have made not only gravitation our slave, but also electricity and magnetism, atomic attraction, repulsion, polarization, and so forth. But hitherto the vital force has eluded us; so it has had to create machinery for itself.

He then passed from magnets to currents, enclosing bars of heavy glass, and tubes containing liquids and aqueous solutions within an electro-magnetic helix. A current sent through the helix caused the plane of polarization to rotate, and always in the direction of the current. The rotation was reversed when the current was reversed.

Or again, a part, naturally positive to its counterpart, may become excessively so, and that which should be relatively negative may become negative to a morbid degree. To correct these polar disturbances and restore the normal polarization, is to cure the complaint. This is, under the treatment of most physicians, often accomplished by the use of medicines, and by mechanical or surgical agency.

When I was in a suggestible mood the doctor would address a little speech to what he called my subconscious mind, after which he sent me on my way rejoicing. About this time a friend advised me to consult a vibrationist, which I did. This man told me that the trouble in my case was in my polarization; not enough positive for the negative elements.

Bérard had announced affirmative results, but Powell and Lloyd failed to verify them. The doubts thus thrown upon the question were removed by the experiments of Forbes, who first established the polarization and 'depolarization' of heat.

And whatever elements may serve to conduct the current in any part of its circuit be they metal, fluid, nerve, muscle, or bone the same are all, for the time, component parts of one complete magnet, which, in all its parts, is subject to the law of polarization, precisely as if it were one magnetized bar of steel.

This result, in the main, is the securing of a few percent more of sugar, a change hardly comparable with that progress in evolution, which our theories are destined to explain. Vilmorin's original method was a very simple one. Polarization was still undiscovered in his time.

The idea of creating light not only involves the Divine Conception of the thing, and the marvellous method of its production, but doubtless, also, all those wonderful laws of reflection, refraction, polarization, and a thousand others, which the science of Physical Optics investigates. What light is we do not know we can only speak of our own sensation of it.