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The people at the down-town office of the cinematograph company were very obliging. The picture had been taken, they said, at M-, just two miles beyond the scene of the wreck. It was not much, but it was something to work on. I decided not to go home, but to send McKnight's Jap for my clothes, and to dress at the Incubator.

Bending over her, talking earnestly, with all his boyish heart in his face, was Richey. They did not see me, and I was glad of it. After all, it had been McKnight's game first. I turned on my heel and made my way blindly out of the station. Before I lost them I turned once and looked toward them, standing apart from the crowd, absorbed in each other.

Haddon gesticulated an angry protest, and McKnight's gestures and grimaces were intended to convey a wish that he might be visited with unspeakable pains and penalties if he were not an entirely virtuous and grievously misjudged small boy. 'It's a lie, hissed Dick; 'it was down! 'You're another it wasn't! ''Twas, I tell you! 'Twasn't! 'Gimme my knife; I don't play with sharps an' sneaks.

McKnight's advice we have arranged a little interview here to-night. If all has gone as I planned, Mr. Henry Pinckney Sullivan is by this time under arrest. Within a very few minutes he will be here." "I wanted to talk to him before he was locked up," Richey explained.

Compared with the draggled lady of the farm-house, she was radiant. For that first moment there was nothing but joy at the sight of her. McKnight's touch on my arm brought me back to reality. "Come over and meet them," he said. "That's the cousin Miss West is visiting, Mrs. Dallas." But I would not go.

'You let him alone, see! yelled Ted, when Jacker, unable longer to contain himself, uttered a dismal cry. 'Hit some one yer size go on, hit some one yer size! screamed Ted. But Mr. Ham's whole attention was devoted to his task, and the younger McKnight's threats, commands, and warnings were entirely ignored, although the boy continued to utter them between his heart broken sobs.

I still carried my traveling-bag, for McKnight's vision at the window of the empty house had not been without effect. I did not transfer the notes to my pocket, and, if I had, it would not have altered the situation later. Only the other day McKnight put this very thing up to me. "I warned you," he reminded me. "I told you there were queer things coming, and to be on your guard.

I would neither give it up nor live it again under any inducement, and yet all that I lost was some twenty yards off my drive! It was really McKnight's turn to make the next journey. I had a tournament at Chevy Chase for Saturday, and a short yacht cruise planned for Sunday, and when a man has been grinding at statute law for a week, he needs relaxation. But McKnight begged off.

Into the bargain, in my possession had been found a traveling-bag containing the dead man's pocket-book. In my favor was McKnight's theory against Mrs. Conway. She had a motive for wishing to secure the notes, she believed I was in lower ten, and she had collapsed at the discovery of the crime in the morning.

He looked fagged, and absent-mindedly paid our fares, to McKnight's delight. "We will give him a run for his money," he declared, as the car moved countryward. "Conductor, let us off at the muddiest lane you can find." At one o'clock, after a six-mile ramble, we entered a small country hotel. We had seen nothing of Johnson for a half hour.