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The reviewer is unable to determine whether these different points of view have any further implications than a difference in the definitions adopted by the two writers. McDougall obviously employs the term instinct in a much more comprehensive and inclusive sense than Shand does.

Keith came to himself, scowled, started to say something, but refrained with an obvious effort. Casey wandered back to McDougall. "You're right, Mac," he said. "I guess he's got the swell head. We'll have to call him off gently, or he'll make a nuisance of himself at the next trial. He makes altogether too much trouble." But McDougall was tolerant. "Oh, let him alone, Jim.

General Halleck's dispatches dwelt upon the fact that General Rosecrans's routes of supply were overtaxed, and that we should move from Memphis eastward, repairing railroads as we progressed, as far as Athens, Alabama, whence I was to report to General Rosecrans, at Chattanooga, by letter. I took passage for myself and family in the steamer Atlantic, Captain Henry McDougall.

An inadequate index closes an unsatisfactory, though in many respects valuable, book. We note no fewer than twelve references to "Seneca," but none to "sex" or "shame;" sixteen to Hudson, but none to Freud, Janet, Prince, Adler, or Klarges. AN INTRODUCTION TO SOCIAL PSYCHOLOGY. By William McDougall. Published by John W. Luce & Co., Boston, 1910.

At this time I was doing the duty of adjutant-general to General McDougall. His humanity, and constant regard to the security of the property and persons of the inhabitants from injury and insult, were not less conspicuous than his military skill, &c. No man was insulted or disturbed. The health of the troops was perfect.

Jarvis say that his own contribution to the fund was precisely £109; that that of Peter McDougall was about the same; and that none of the rest of the rioters paid anything, except through their parents or relatives.

Among the complex emotions not necessarily implying the existence of sentiments McDougall includes admiration, awe and reverence, gratitude, scorn, contempt and loathing, and envy. Among the complex emotions implying the existence of sentiments he considers reproach, anxiety, jealousy, vengeful emotion, resentment, shame, joy, sorrow and pity, happiness, surprise.

The friends, of General McDougall were his warmest friends and backers, They now rallied to his support and to the sustenance of the Herald. General Volney E. Howard, J. Thompson Campbell, Judge R. Augustus Thompson, W. T. Sherman, the manager of Lucas, Turner & Co.'s banking house here now General Sherman Austin E. Smith, Sam.

The porter, who brought this word himself, being a privileged character, looked very wistful when he had delivered it as much as to say that the frightful itching of his palm had not been as yet wholly assuaged. The McTavish smiled. "Bring the gentleman to the Great Tower door, McDougall," she said, "and I will show him about, myself." The proud porter's face fell.

The communication between General Washington, who was in New-Jersey, and General McDOUGALL, who was at Newburgh, was greatly embarrassed. Bandits were placed by the British in or near the passes through the chains of mountains leading to Sussex, for the purpose of capturing the expresses charged with despatches.