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Then it was that Beecher offered to write Ingersoll's epitaph, which he proceeded to do by scribbling two words on the back of an envelope, thus: "Robert Burns." But these men understood and had a thorough respect for each other. Once at a mass-meeting at Cooper Union, Beecher introduced Ingersoll as the "first, foremost and most gifted of all living orators."

He took his place at a table where the overworked waiter found time to cut up his meat and put everything in easy reach of his right hand. "Well," Fulkerson resumed, "they took me round everywhere in Moffitt, and showed me their big wells lit 'em up for a private view, and let me hear them purr with the soft accents of a mass-meeting of locomotives.

"I've told you this, Richling, old fellow to impress upon you the necessity of keeping out of all this hubbub, this night-marching and mass-meeting and exciting nonsense." "And am I always always to be blown back blown back this way?" said Richling, half to himself, half to his friend. "There, now," responded the Doctor, "just stop talking entirely. No, no; not always blown back.

Your papa would say that it was a mass-meeting of angry citizens. Maybe it was, but that is a pretty long term. Anyway, Mother Muskrat said it was a convention, and she ought to know, for she is the one who had called it. Of course Jerry Muskrat was there, and his uncles and aunts and all his cousins.

Violence was countered with stern repression. Riotous mobs were mowed down wholesale by rifle and machine-gun fire or were scattered by bombs dropped from low-flying aeroplanes. The most noted of these occurrences was the so-called "Amritsar Massacre," where British troops fired into a seditious mass-meeting, killing 500 and wounding 1500 persons. In the end the government mastered the situation.

We did every thing by mass-meeting, in the good old national way, from swapping off one empire for another on the programme of the voyage down to complaining of the cookery and the scarcity of napkins. I am reminded, now, of one of these complaints of the cookery made by a passenger.

That this body of laws or, as we may not improperly call it, this frame of government was ratified, as Trumbull says, by all the free planters assembled at Hartford on January 14, 1639, is not impossible, though such action would seem unnecessary as the court was a representative body, and unlikely as the time of year was not favorable for holding a mass-meeting at Hartford.

It's now some weeks since we adopted resolutions in a still bigger mass-meeting and got the best part of the county to subscribe to them; on the ground that an ounce of prevention and so forth. So we just hoped that as you have come to live among us you could be brought to see things from our point of view."

Rarely has history reached a more dramatic climax, and seldom have the great scenes of men's actions been more swiftly shifted. Merwyn attended this great mass-meeting, and was silent when the thousands applauded. In coming out he saw, while unobserved himself, Mr. Vosburgh, and was struck by the proud, contemptuous expression of his face.

She says: "And it is for woman now, in the present presidential campaign, to say to her father, husband, or brother, 'If you vote for any candidate for any office whatever, who is not pledged to total abstinence and the Maine law, we shall hold you alike guilty with the rum-seller." In January, 1853, a great mass-meeting was held in Albany of all the State temperance organizations.