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Moving about from mass of blossoms, Alymer, glancing at her, thought she looked younger and lovelier than ever. "You have a spring air about you," he said, "and all the room seems full of spring. There is something about it all I like better than the lilies and roses and malmaisons usually making a display." "I sent them all to the dining-room," she told him.

Like many other emigrants, they yielded, in the course of a generation or two, to a barbarous mispronunciation of their patronymic, which came to be spoken of as if spelt "Malmsey." How it happened that the chateau of the Empress Josephine was christened by the same name, I know not; at all events, the Sussex Malmaisons have prior claim to the title.

Indeed, it was like a vast rosary, alive with white, pink, and cream-coloured flowers; of Maréchal Niels, Souvenir de Malmaisons, Mademoiselle Eugène Verdiers, Aimée Vibert Scandens.

Maggie bestowed the kiss, and immediately afterward was conducted to her room by the worshiping Belle. "I do hope you'll like it," said Belle in an almost timorous voice. "I prepared it for you myself." "Why, it's sweet," said Maggie, "and so full of the country! Oh, I say, what roses! And those carnations Malmaisons, aren't they?

"Ask him to come to-morrow, Jean. I am very tired to-night." Jean went away, and presently returned with a loverly bouquet of malmaisons, and three or four new books. "His lordship will call about twelve," she said: "and he hopes, if you feel able to go out, you will let him take you in his motor." Then she went out, leaving them alone again.

Among the anxious and bewildered people who thronged the nursery at this juncture was a young woman who acted as wet-nurse to the latest born of the Malmaisons, a baby-girl three months old.

I only ran in to see how you were after that bad headache. You must bring the lilies and malmaisons back to-morrow, or I shall be offending so grievously you will forbid me the flat. Good-bye!" And without another word he went away out of the room. Lorraine sat quite still, and let the spell wrap her round for the precious moments that she could yet hold it. Of course it could not stay.

There were no other brothers, but four girls appeared after Archibald, two of whom died in childhood of scarlet fever, while the other two grew up to be married. They have nothing to do with the story, and will not be mentioned again. The Malmaisons, as their name denotes, were of French descent Huguenots.

"Sweet of you, Norval. Coals of fire?" "No, dear. Only malmaisons. Isn't that beautiful?" We had climbed until we were at the top of a pass. Over the mountains the sun was going down. The great valley was already in shadow, but the light on the high woods was wonderful. Away on the top of a hill a little white shrine stood up like a candlestick against the sky.