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"Huh! That's not a gauntlet from its odor it seems more like a sock." "The funniest, part of it," Makaraig added, "is that Padre Irene has advised us to celebrate the event with a banquet or a torchlight procession a public demonstration of the students en masse to render thanks to all the persons who have intervened in the affair." "Yes, after the blow, let's sing and give thanks.

Her box was a present from Makaraig, who had already got on good terms with her in order to propitiate Don Custodio. Pepay had that very afternoon written a note to the illustrious arbiter, asking for an answer and appointing an interview in the theater.

He did not have to wait long, for in a few moments Makaraig came down, talking pleasantly with the corporal. The two were preceded by a warrant officer. "What, you too, Basilio?" he asked. "I came to see you " "Noble conduct!" exclaimed Makaraig laughing. "In time of calm, you avoid us." The corporal asked Basilio his name, then scanned a list. "Medical student, Calle Anloague?" he asked.

"Aren't you coming in?" Makaraig asked him. "We haven't been able to get tickets." "Fortunately, we have a box," replied Makaraig. "Basilio couldn't come. Both of you, come in with us." Tadeo did not wait for the invitation to be repeated, but the novice, fearing that he would intrude, with the timidity natural to the provincial Indian, excused himself, nor could he be persuaded to enter.

"The other way is to apply to his attorney and adviser, Señor Pasta, the oracle before whom Don Custodio bows." "I prefer that," said Isagani. "Señor Pasta is a Filipino, and was a schoolmate of my uncle's. But how can we interest him?" "There's the quid," replied Makaraig, looking earnestly at Isagani. "Señor Pasta has a dancing girl I mean, a seamstress." Isagani again shook his head.

"And in order that we may participate in the management of the academy," Makaraig went on, "we are intrusted with the collection of contributions and dues, with the obligation of turning them over to the treasurer whom the corporation may designate, which treasurer will issue us receipts." "Then we're tax-collectors!" remarked Tadeo. "Sandoval," said Pecson, "there's the gauntlet take it up!"

He was conscious of the beautiful plans Makaraig and Sandoval were making, but they sounded like distant echoes, while the notes of the waltz seemed sad and lugubrious, the whole audience stupid and foolish, and several times he had to make an effort to keep back the tears.

At that moment the subject of conversation was the instruction in Castilian, but as Makaraig had not yet arrived conjecture was still the order of the day. "What can have happened?" "What has the General decided?" "Has he refused the permit?" "Has Padre Irene or Padre Sibyla won?" Such were the questions they asked one another, questions that could be answered only by Makaraig.

How many times have I wished to speak to you young men, to reveal myself and undeceive you! But in view of the reputation I enjoy, my words would have been wrongly interpreted and would perhaps have had a counter effect. How many times have I not longed to approach your Makaraig, your Isagani! Sometimes I thought of their death, I wished to destroy them " Simoun checked himself.

"Or purveyor to the Palace!" added her escort, jealous of Simoun. In the students' box, Pecson, Sandoval, and Isagani had remained, while Tadeo had gone to engage Don Custodio in conversation about his projects, and Makaraig to hold an interview with Pepay.