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Updated: August 10, 2024

There would, moreover, be a difficulty about readjusting the payment." "There would be no difficulty, because no one need be consulted but us two." "I should not think it right, and therefore let there be an end of it," said George in a tone of voice which had in it something of magniloquence. "What is it you wish then?" said Kate, who knew too well what he did wish. "I will explain to you.

And if the effect of verse-writing had stopped there, all had been well; but bad models have had their effect, as well as good ones, on the half-tutored taste of the working men, and engendered in them but too often a fondness for frothy magniloquence and ferocious raving, neither morally nor aesthetically profitable to themselves or their readers.

And then she generalised, with untranslatable magniloquence: "Un amplissimo porporato non va mai solo." Peter ought to have hugged her for that amplissimo porporato. But he was selfishly engrossed in his emotions. "Who was with him?" He tried to throw the question out with a casual effect, an effect of unconcern.

From the first discovery of America, there has been a tendency to exaggeration about the resources and capabilities of that country a magniloquence on its natural productions, which can be best exemplified by referring the reader to the fac-simile of the one in Sir Walter Raleigh's work on Guiana, now in the British Museum.

This peculiarity has, perhaps, had some effect in giving their writers a magniloquence of style, something like that which so laudably characterises our Fourth of July Orations and Funeral Panegyrics: that composition being thought the finest in which the words stand highest.

Johnson, this is not so easy as you seem to think: for if you were to make little fishes talk, they would talk like whales." That was the weak spot in Johnson on which the wits and critics seized at once: there is a good deal of misplaced magniloquence in his writings.

He warmed in it till, after the Ciceronic model, inanimate objects were personified, and Richard's table-napkin and vacant chair were invoked to follow the steps of a peerless father, and uphold with his dignity the honour of the Feverels. Austin Wentworth, whom a soldier's death compelled to take his father's place in support of the toast, was tame after such magniloquence.

Langham! she said, with bright cheeks, half smiling at her own magniloquence, her hand waving over the view before them. 'What has it done that you should hate it so? If you can't put up with people you might love nature. I I can't be content with nature, because I want some life first. Up in Whindale there is too much nature, not enough life.

Hudson, as if for permission to leave her. But Mrs. Hudson was listening to Mr. Striker, who sat gossiping to her with relaxed magniloquence, his waistcoat unbuttoned and his hat on his nose. "You can give your cousin your society at any time," said Rowland. "But me, perhaps, you 'll never see again."

Fox, as late as April, 1791, misled by his own magniloquence, spoke of it as "the most stupendous and glorious edifice of liberty which had been erected on the foundation of human integrity in any time or country." Paine heartily concurred with him. Such a constitution as this, he said, is needed in England. There is no hope of it from Parliament.

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