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A deplorable flippancy seems, as far as one remembers, to have been the chief characteristic of the periodical flippancy and an abundant use of the supernatural. These were the days of Lord' Lytton's "Strange Story," which I continue to think a most satisfactory romance.

By a coincidence, in September, 1869, Dickens was working over the late Lord Lytton's tale for All The Year Round, "The Disappearance of John Ackland," for the purpose of mystifying the reader as to whether Ackland was alive or dead. But he was conspicuously defunct!

He was ordained in due course, converted his old companions, then set sail for St. Croix. Hamilton met him at Peter Lytton's, talked with him the day through, and carried him home to dinner. After that he became little less than an inmate of the household; a room was furnished for him, and when he did not occupy it, he rode over several times a week. His books littered every table and shelf.

To Bracknell to see the Winkfield land; and to Timsbury for Christmas. At Bournemouth early in January, about the house. To London on January 11th. January 25th. Lord Lytton's funeral in Westminster Abbey. February 14th. Dined at Harvie Farquhar's. He was one of C. Greville's executors, and was curious about the Journals. To Mr. W. Longman C.O., March 4th. Mr.

Lytton's well-known Last Days of Pompeii, although a work of imagination, deals with this subject in a manner which almost simulates the realistic tale of an actual observer; and his account, linking the calamity itself with the revelations of the earlier explorers of the buried city, after so many centuries had passed, well deserves a place in connection with the story of the older and more circumstantial writer.

Our difficulty, of course, is to conceive such an attack coming from a man of Lytton's position and genius. He was no hungry hack, and could, and did, do infinitely better things than "stand in a false following" of Pope. Probably Lytton had a false idea that Tennyson was a rich man, a branch of his family being affluent, and so resented the little pension.

When I write anything I want it to be real and connected in form, as, for instance, in your quotation from Lord Lytton's play of 'Richelieu, 'The pen is mightier than the sword. Lord Lytton would never have put his signature to so naked a sentiment. Surely I will not. "In the text there was a prefix or qualification: "Beneath the rule of men entirely great The pen is mightier than the sword.

For the present it is sufficient to say that out of Bulwer Lytton's novel Rienzi he took material to weave a libretto that would afford opportunities for a great spectacular opera; and set to work and wrote two acts of the music. Finally he took ship from Pillau to London, bringing with him his wife and dog, with the intention of reaching Paris ultimately.

Under the Viceroyalty of Lord Lytton's successor, the Marquess of Ripon, and after anxious negotiations, Abdur Rahman was proclaimed Amir of Afghanistan, July 22, 1880.

In almost a whisper, lest she should still be listening, he said, "There is a story about town that Vera Lytton's former husband an artist named Thurston was here just before her death." Senator Willard leaned forward as if expecting to hear Dixon immediately acquitted. None of us was prepared for the next remark.