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But he knew very well how to obtain his purposes, for he was not only handsome in person, but his very coolness had a charm; and to make a long story short, a fortnight later I became the wife of the Honourable Henry Luxmore. For nearly twenty years I now led a life of almost perfect quiet.

The commodore himself was badly wounded; Captains Luxmore and Helden were also severely hurt; and 4 men killed and 16 wounded. The boats returned at once to the Rattlesnake. The town of Chamoh, which stood at the entrance of the Prah, was the next day bombarded and burnt.

I sat still, listening to Sir Herbert Oldtower, who was wondering that Lord Luxmore suffered the Hall to drop into disgraceful decay, and had begun cutting down the pine-woods round it. "Woods, older than his title by many a century downright sacrilege! And the property being entailed, too actual robbery of the heir!

He rose, addressing with kindly frankness the husband and wife. "If I may ask being a most sincere well-wisher of yours, and a sort of connection of Mrs. Halifax's, too why is it impossible?" "I have no wish to disguise the reason: it is because I have no capital." Lord Luxmore looked surprised. "Surely excuse me, but I had the honour of being well acquainted with the late Mr.

The sheriff acknowledged it, then leaned over the table talking with rather frosty civility to Lord Luxmore. Their acquaintance seemed solely that of business. People whispered that Sir Ralph never forgot that the Oldtowers were Crusaders when the Ravenels were nobody.

He knelt with the child in his arms by a little runnel in the ditch-bank. When the water touched her she opened her eyes with that wide, momentary stare so painful to behold. "My little darling!" Muriel smiled, and nestled to him. "Indeed, I am not hurt, dear father." Lord Luxmore, standing by, seemed much relieved, and again pressed his apologies. No answer.

Perhaps on account of her infirmity she had been the pet of her parents; but she was of a gentle nature, and was beautiful to look upon, even with her sightless eyes. The time for the election of the member for Kingswell had come round, and as Luxmore had failed to induce John Halifax to stand, he put up a pliable nominee.

For a short time the Ashantis kept up a fire from the houses; but the 42nd soon drove them from the village, and all further resistance at this point was at an end. The right-hand column, too, had suffered severely. Colonel Wood received a slug in the left breast, and 6 naval officers and 20 men were also wounded. Captain Luxmore, RN, was in command here.

His wife and I were both astounded by the suddenness of the possibility; which, however, John himself seemed to receive as no novel idea. Lord Luxmore continued. "I assure you nothing is more easy; I can bring you in at once, for a borough near here my family borough." "Which you wish to be held by some convenient person till Lord Ravenel comes of age? So Mr. Brown informed me yesterday."

While all this was going on, young Lord Ravenel, the son and heir of Luxmore, had been a constant visitor at the Halifax home, and delighted in the company of John's daughter. Halifax had now three children: two boys, named Guy and Edmund, and Muriel, who, alas! had been born blind.