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The Maestro, after a peep within, expressed himself loth to disturb such a happy time, but Ken haled him in without more ado. "Nonsense, sir," he said. "Why why you're part of us. Mother wouldn't have seen half our life here till she'd met you." So the Maestro seated himself in the circle of firelight, and Martin retired behind a veil of tobacco-smoke with permission in the corner.

The soft hand drew Ned Harris inside the building, which was finished, but unoccupied, and Redburn followed, nothing loth to get into a place of safety. So far, Deadwood had not impressed him favorably as being the most peaceable city within the scope of a continent. Into an inner room of the building they went, and the door was closed behind them.

"Now, let's get away from here while the going is good," said Jack in the ear of his companion, after he had taken yet another view of the scene, with the excited men running forward toward the sprouting oil well, which possibly they might later on seek to plug up, if such a thing were possible. Toby was nothing loth.

They did not know how to give vent to their joy when they saw Fritz come out of the hut with a strange youth, whose slight make, fair face, and grace of form, did not seem to match well with the clothes that hung upon his limbs. It was so long since we had seen a strange face, that we were all loth to speak first.

Now, boys, let us hear how all this came about." Nothing loth, Tom and Yaspard related their adventures, and very entertaining these were; but when they described the sending home of Thor, Dr. Holtum's face grew somewhat grave, and he seemed pondering within himself.

And now I keep the Midway Inn myself, and watch from the hill-top the passengers come and go some loth, some willing, like myself of old and listen to their talk in the coffee-room; or sometimes in a private parlour, where, though they speak low and gravely, their converse is still unrestrained, because, you see, I am the landlord.

Afterwards they sat together in the court of that fair house before good wine, Ralph and Ursula, and Redhead and the Sage of Swevenham, and spake of many things, and were merry and kind together. But on the morrow Redhead departed from Goldburg with his men, and he loth to depart, and they gave him farewell lovingly.

B. And I say I understand you; I know you are a good man, and a man of charity, and loth to do your neighbours any prejudice, and that you will speak the best of every man as near as you can. A. I tell you, I speak neither the best nor the worst I speak nothing.

So fiercely they fought that, perforce, at last they must rest. Then said Sir Launcelot: "Fair Knight, I pray you tell me your name, for never have I met so good a knight." "In truth," said Sir Tristram, "I am loth to tell my name." "I marvel at that," said Sir Launcelot; "for mine I will tell you freely. I am Launcelot du Lac."

Here the swift brook tarried lovingly, making a wide turn under the cliff, as though loth to leave this quiet nook, and then leaped once more to enthusiasm in its murmuring flight. Life abounded in this wild, beautiful, almost inaccessible spot.