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"Everybody in Rio knows the Villa Miraflores," he said. She gasped at the name and wrote it in longhand; to compress such deliciousness into shorthand would have been sacrilege. After that she listened more eagerly to his voice, which she perceived was charged with suppressed magic as it might have been with suppressed laughter.

He caused the White House to be remodeled and fitted on the one hand for social purposes which required much more spacious accommodation, and on the other for offices in which he could conduct the largely increased Presidential business. Instead of one telephone there were many working night and day, and instead of a single longhand secretary, there were a score of stenographers and typists.

She was quite willing, however, to engage with me, and thought that if I would try to dictate as fast as possible I might, in time, be able to keep her nearly up to her normal standard. A third one was willing to write longhand, and to work as slowly and as irregularly as I pleased.

Apparently it was a scientific paper on a rather unusual subject, "Spontaneous Generation of Life." It was in longhand and read: *Many thanks for the copy of the paper by Prof. Betallion of Dijon on the artificial fertilization of the eggs of frogs. I consider it a most important advance in the artificial generation of life. *In the printed book this is shown as handwritten

The result of two and a half hours' pretty steady work at an average speed of nearly a hundred words a minute, would take some time to transcribe into longhand; and if the notes were to be delivered punctually on the morrow, the sooner I got to work the better.

"No, longhand will be quick enough for me. My thoughts aren't so fast," said the girl. "What is it all about?" "It is about a girl," said Jean, "who has stolen a lot of money " "How thrilling!" smiled Lydia. "And she's got away to America. She is living a very full and joyous life, but the thought of her sin is haunting her and she decides to disappear and let people think she has drowned herself.

I am not a lightning reporter, you understand, but I can take matter down from dictation at quite respectable speed." "Yes." Then I could come along in the afternoon and you could read out the selected passages to me, and I could take them down in shorthand. We should get through as much in a couple of hours as you could in a day using longhand."

Shall I take the bag?" "If you want it. But I must take out the note-books." "Why must you take them?" she asked. "Why, haven't I got to copy the notes out into longhand?" An expression of utter consternation spread over her face; in fact, she was so completely taken aback that she forgot to release my hand. "Heavens!" she exclaimed. "How idiotic of me! But it is impossible, Doctor Berkeley!

In his longhand notes, found among the papers of Sir John Macdonald, and made public thirty years later by Sir Joseph Pope, we have the only official record of the resolutions and debates of the conference. Posterity has reason to be grateful for even this limited revelation of the proceedings from day to day.

I listened-in to a lot of that stuff and called up three amateurs in Port Hope. I learned that A V L is Alvin Baker who is attending Edwards College." "Why, he's my cousin!" This exclamation from Hal created a real sensation in the cabin of the Catwhisker. Meanwhile Bud had been taking the message down longhand in order to preserve a record of the investigation, so that Mr.