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The retinues are in front; we cannot see them," answered von Loeve. "Listen: we will have cause for a new complaint. We will publish the statement that the Mazowiecki knights fell upon us and killed our companion. We will shout aloud they will hear us in Marienburg that the prince sent murderers even after his guests.

One of them said to him: "The princess is here and Jurandowna also; you will see her soon, my dear boy; then you will go with us to the hunting party." At this moment the two guests of the prince, the Knights of the Cross, entered: brother Hugo von Danveld, starosta of Ortelsburg, and Zygfried von Loeve, bailiff of Jansbork.

This news disturbed the good understanding between the prince and his guests, because not only the two newly arrived brothers but also Hugo von Danveld and Zygfried von Loeve, began to beseech the prince to render justice to the Order, to free the boundaries from the plunderer and to punish him once for all his offences.

Do not ask me for anything else, because I will not grant it." After these words, there was a profound silence. Hugo von Danveld, Zygfried von Loeve, Brother Rotgier and Brother Godfried, although brave, knew the dreadful lord of Spychow too well to dare to challenge him for life or death.

If you are a rogue you will cheat, if honest you will serve." "I shall cheat as a rogue, sir," said Sanderus, "but not you, and I will honestly serve you." Zygfried von Loeve was just about to depart for Malborg when the postman unexpectedly brought him a letter from Rotgier with news from the Mazovian court. This news moved the old Knight of the Cross to the quick.

De Lorche, hearing the name von Bergow, began to inquire about him, and, having found out, said: "He is a relative of the Duke of Geldryi, a great benefactor of the Order, and devoted to the Order from his birth." "Yes," said the knight of Dlugolas, translating his words to those present. "Von Bergow held high rank in the Order." "Danveld and von Loeve strongly demanded him," remarked the prince.

Have you found a remedy?" asked Zygfried von Loeve. "Speak quickly!" exclaimed Brother Godfried. "Listen," said Hugo. "Jurand has a daughter here, his only child, whom he loves dearly." "Yes, so he has. We know her. The princess Anna Danuta loves her also." "Yes.

The father is a foe of the Order; but you spoke words as sweet as honey to the daughter, and besides you promised to send her the balm." Evidently Hugo von Danveld felt the need of justification before Zygfried von Loeve who, although not better than the others, observed the austere laws of the Order, and very often scolded the other brothers.

"Herr von Bergow must be released from prison," answered Zygfried von Loeve. There was as a moment of silence; then the prince said: "God grant me patience!" Zygfried continued sharply, his words cutting like a sword: "The wrong which was done to us in the persons of our guests, is only one more occasion for complaint.

But von Loeve ordered them to ride forward as fast as they could, and bring a wagon, because Danveld could not remain in his saddle. After a moment, a cold perspiration covered his forehead and he fainted. When they brought the wagon, they put him on some straw in the bottom and hurried toward the frontier.