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His fellow townsmen laughed, but they liked it. "Jarv's all right! No nonsense about Jarv, even ef he is one o' them lit'rary fellers!" To call everybody by the first name that was the last word in honest, democratic fellowship. Whether this exterior appearance of Mackworth was sincere or affected in him I never could quite tell.

You're the best dressed, an' best lookin', an' best eddicated girl i' Bootle to-day thanks to me. When your mother kem 'ere ten year ago, an' said her lit'rary gent of a 'usband was dead, neither of you 'ad 'ad a square meal for weeks remember that, will you? It isn't my fault you've got to marry Bulmer. It's just a bit of infernal bad luck the same for both of us, if it comes to that.

Colonel Sterett, personal, is a broad, thick, fine-seemin' gent, with a smooth, high for'ead, grey eyes, an' a long, honest face like a hoss. The Colonel has a far-off look in his eyes, like he's dreamin' of things sublime, which Doc Peets says is the common look of lit'rary gents that a-way.

C. had talent, but he couldn't spel. No man has a right to be a lit'rary man onless he knows how to spel. It is a pity that Chawcer, who had geneyus, was so unedicated. He's the wuss speller I know of. I guess I'm through, and so I lay down the pen, which is more mightier than the sword, but which I'm fraid would stand a rayther slim chance beside the needle gun. Adoo! Adoo! Artemus Ward.

"They'll get the ladies off, you know, and then the fun'll begin." "Fun?" Ike winked a long, significant wink. "Yes. Lit'rary Society, you know. A little game in the back room." "And are you going to play, Ike?" "Not to-night, thank you. I aint no saint, but I aint a blank fool altogether, and to-night I got to keep level. To-day's the boss's remittance day.

Thar's times when a scientist, or say, a lit'rary sport comes bluffin' into Wolfville; an' sech folks is a mighty sight too deep for Boggs an' me an' Tutt. If we're left plumb alone with a band of them book-read shorthorns like I deescribes, you-all sees yourse'f, they're bound to go spraddlin' East ag'in, an' report how darkened Wolfville is.

What kind does he like?" Mrs. McDougal's jolly laugh reached to the mulberry-tree and the children looked up. McDougal!" Her hands came down on her knees with a resounding smack. "If McDougal has read a book since I've been married to him he's done it in the dark. He's a good man, McDougal is, but you couldn't call him lit'rary.

Haow be ye, an' haow's Boston?" Randy assured him that the city seemed to be intact when she left it, but he did not hear. "I expect ye haven't heared that Timotheus is a lit'rary feller naow, doin' farm work only 'casionally, so ter speak. "Oh, ye did hear?" he questioned as Randy nodded assent.