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But they was one thing he never sot no store by, and I got along now to where I hold that up agin him more'n all the lickings he ever done. That was book learning. He never had none himself, and he was sot agin it, and he never made me get none, and if I'd ever asted him for any he'd of whaled me fur that.

"Then I advise you to open your own eyes, for you're going to get one of the worst lickings you ever had." Abner Holden's anger now reached an ungovernable pitch. Looking about him for a weapon, he espied the broom resting against the wall. He seized it, and with a scream of rage, made for Herbert, shaking off the grasp of the housekeeper, who tried to stay him.

After her death his father grew more taciturn, more impatient, more bent on preparing him to follow in his footsteps, regardless of his inclinations. The "lickings" became more frequent, for he seemed only to see his mistakes and childish faults.

I know what they're like. I had one once for a school-teacher. I can feel her lickings yet. She was the contrariest female I ever met. Shucks, I Well, if I gotta, I gotta. Might's well get it over with now as later. Thanks, ma'am, for helping me out." Racey Dawson shambled dejectedly forth to effect the feeding of Miss Molly Dale's horse at the hotel corral.

"It's your show, Belle," Tom assented, and very obligingly rode to the other side of the stable to unsaddle his horse, and grinned to himself when the sound of wailing and pleading and promises of the "I'll-never-do-it-again" variety came to his ears. Belle's lickings were distinguished chiefly by their uproar. "Belle wallops 'em like brandin' calves," Tom used to chuckle.

As Pomp's education will not again be referred to, it may be said that when Frank had discovered how to manage him, he learned quite rapidly. Chloe, who was herself unable to read, began to look upon Pomp with a new feeling of respect when she found that he could read stories in words of one syllable, and the "lickings" of which he complained became less frequent.

I never liked lickings myself, and I don't know why an ox should like them, especially as he cannot reason about the moral improvement he is to get out of them. Speaking of Latin reminds me that I once taught my cows Latin.

"Well, it was very plucky of you both to stand up and face 'em, that's all I can say. Is that why you want to learn to use your fists?" "Yes, and as soon as we can both box well, we want to give them both such lickings!" cried Mercer eagerly. The old sergeant began to laugh in a quiet way, and wiped the tears out of his eyes. "Then you want to learn on the sly, and astonish 'em some day?"

"Her ain't of the Walden blood " Sally remarked, breathlessly beating the golden brown batter. Sandy winced. "But her has caught the manners." "And," Sandy steered away from the danger ground, "we'll have the Home-school. It must be a home first; a school afterward, Sally. I want the baby-things to have the 'lickings' of cakes and puddings in the kitchen it is to be a great, big, sunny kitchen!

When, after many wrigglings, smacks in the face, nose lickings, gallantries of amorous shrew-mice, frowns, sighs, serenades, titbits, suppers and dinners on the pile of corn, and other attentions, the superintendent overcame the scruples of his beautiful mistress, he became the slave of this incestuous and illicit love, and the mouse, leading her lord by the snout, became queen of everything, nibbled his cheese, ate the sweets, and foraged everywhere.