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"I did not intend to have you captured by my men, and I gave them no definite orders to that effect; but, as things look just now, it is rather fortunate that I have you on board of the Leopard, not only for the sake of your father's waiting for you, but you are a good pilot, and are of great service to me."

Next morning a party of starving Wa Kamba happened to be passing just as I was about to skin the leopard, and asked by means of signs to be allowed to do the job for me and then to take the meat. I of course assented to this proposal, and in a very few minutes the skin had been neatly taken off, and the famishing natives began a ravenous meal on the raw flesh.

And it might have been the tenacity, the unintelligent tenacity, of the man who had persisted in throwing millions of other people's thrift into the Lone Valley Railway, the Labrador Docks, the Spotted Leopard Copper Mine, and other grotesque speculations exposed during the famous de Barral trial, amongst murmurs of astonishment mingled with bursts of laughter.

"With your permission, Major Pierson, I will resign my office as captain of the Leopard," replied Christy, as he stepped back from the wheel. "But I cannot give you my permission," laughed the major.

He could feel the embossed frank of the Government Office. The situation was puzzling. It might contain secret orders, in which case it would be inadvisable to allow the Leopard Woman a sight of its contents. But Kingozi shook off this thought.

When the animal is dead, the leopard never attacks the hind-quarters first, according to the custom of the tiger, but it tears the belly open, and drags out all the viscera, making its first meal upon the heart, lungs, liver, and the inside generally. It then retreats to some neighbouring hiding-place, and, if undisturbed, it will return to its prey a little after sundown on the following day.

"Alas!" cried the officer, when she had done the fearsome deed, "the corpse I watched was bald, your husband has thick hair; the change will be detected." "Nay," said the woman, "I will make him bald," and she tore his hair out, with execrations, and they hung him on the tree. But a few days passed and the pair were married. And now the leopard interlude nears it close.

Can the leopard change his spots?" and so on; or else, kindly hint, that, "when the devil was sick, the devil a monk would be: when the devil got well, the devil a monk was he." Oh yes, I had little doubt what their charitable judgment would be!

The Leopard Boy was a cinch for him as he declaimed that "'They say that beauty is but skin deep. And as you gaze upon this freak, You will, I think, agree with me, That though beneath he fair may be, You'd much prefer to look the same As the fair being who next will claim Our admiration and attention, With charms too numerous to mention.

Stanley gladly moved away, and entered into conversation with the colonel of the 47th; while Colonel Adair related his adventures with the leopard to his cousin, and the officers standing round. "By Jove, that was a plucky thing!" Harry Brooke said, admiringly. "It was, indeed!" the colonel agreed, as similar exclamations went round the circle.