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This idea lately found expression in a powerful play by Mr Lennox Robinson, entitled The Lost Leader.

Much the people had wondered where Helen was, as, without the aid of music, Katy led the children in their carols, and this wonder increased when as time passed on it was whispered around that "Miss Lennox had come and was standing with a man back by the register." After this Aunt Betsy grew very calm.

The world must have talkers as well as doers, and it can be said for Lennox that he acts as well as talks." "Thanks, I'm glad you put in the saving clause," laughed Robert. "But it's a mighty good thing we built our wooden wall. That wind would cut to the bone if it could get at you." "The wind at least will keep the warriors away," said Tayoga.

"I was fifty or sixty yards behind in the shadow of the trees," he said. "I could see Master Lennox very well, though he could not see me. The figure of a man appeared in the woods near me and aimed a pistol at Master Lennox. I could not see his face well, but I knew it was the man on the boat who was talking to Mynheer Van Zoon.

Outside, the wind shook the frail building and tore the shuddering sea to pieces. The rain poured down. It was already settling in for a night of storm. But, inside, Young Si's fire was casting cheery flames over the rude room, and Young Si himself was kneeling by Ethel Lennox with his arm about her and her head on his broad shoulder.

'When I took up the beef-tea I found her that bad that I felt that I'd always have it on my conscience if I didn't let her husband know how bad his wife was 'I'm afraid, doctor, that she's been drinking for years, Laura interjected. 'Well, as soon as I see Mrs. Lennox I shall be able to tell you if there is in my opinion any reasonable hope of saving her. I believe you're going to nurse Mrs.

'Eat a mouthful or two, it'll take the smell off, Mrs. Lennox, and the girls rattled down the staircase, arriving on the stage only just in time for their cue.

Bell was delighted, detecting at once traces of the rare mind which Helen Lennox possessed, and wondering to find it so. "I hope we shall see each other often," she said, at parting. "I do not go out a great deal myself that is, not as much as Juno but I shall be always glad to welcome you to my den. You may find something there to interest you."

Banker confirmed what Mark had said, and it was not strange if that night Miss Lennox, usually so entertaining, was a little absent, for her thoughts were up in that chamber on Twenty-third Street, where Aunt Betsy sat alone, but not lonely, for her mind was very busy with all she had been through since leaving Silverton, while something kept suggesting to her that it would have been wiser and better to have stayed at home than to have ventured where she was so sadly out of place.

He joked, to give her time to recover from the slight flutter which he had detected in her manner on his proposal to leave; and she caught the tone, and threw the ball back. Mr. Lennox wondered how his brother, the Captain, could have reported her as having lost all her good looks.