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But I had tasted fog and brine, and the "landlubber's" lot was too monotonously tame for me. The next spring saw me on the deck of the same schooner headed for the Newfoundland Banks, the home of the codfish and the fog. A seafaring ancestry and a boyhood spent within sound of the surf doubtless had much to do with my love of the salt water.

"More like hair-dye, sir," said he, and rubbing desperately at his fingers, he added, "I can't get them decent." "Ah, let them rest!" said Dennis. "It's painting the lily to adorn them. On ye go; and mind ye keep near to us, and we'll make a landlubber's parliament in a corner to ourselves." My first friend had thawed, and went cheerfully ahead of us, as I was very glad to see.

There was naturally much conversation among the passengers in relation to the storm, and it was passed round the table as a joke that the captain himself had been seasick, though he would not for a moment admit that he was capable of such a landlubber's weakness.

"'Some of 'em don't seem to, that's a fact, she says. "'By jiminy, I says, 'I don't count for much in this house. "'Yes? says she. 'And whose fault is that? "Well, I WAS mad. 'I tell you what I CAN do, I sings out. 'I can quit this landlubber's job where I'm nothin' but a swab, and go to sea again, where I'm some account. That's what I can do. "She turned and looked at me.

The food was inferior to that aboard the Yankees. But in discipline there was nothing to choose. An all-Bluenose or all-Yankee sometimes came as near the perfection of seamanship and discipline as anything human possibly can. But aboard a mixed Bluenose the rule of bend or break was enforced without the slightest reference to what was regarded as landlubber's law.

It is out of character as a sailor's tale, showing that the author either did not understand the value of or was too indolent to acquire the ship knowledge that would give to his work the natural smell of salt water and the bilge. It is a landlubber's sea yarn. Is it in character as a revelation of human nature?

When the toaster had been connected, the girl, happy in the knowledge that she was able to be of service, toasted the bread to a brown quite as delicate as that to be found on a landlubber's table. "Now," said Curlie as they sat enjoying this meager repast, "I've got something to tell you, something that I want someone else beside me to know.

One of the stateroom stewards who stood watching the "landlubber's" operations sarcastically said: "How long, friend, do you expect them books to stand there?" "Until my master takes them down, sir," politely answered the professor. "Well, now, they'll stand there maybe until we get out among the big waves; when, at the first lurch of the ship, down they'll tumble upon somebody's head."

It was scarcely likely that he could bite the thick rope through with his teeth! She stood then for two or three more minutes wondering what to do, for she had no knife of her own, and she had made the rope fast woman-wise with a true landlubber's knot that tightened from the strain until her struggling fingers could not make the least impression on it.

Frederick was on the point of inwardly ridiculing the pitiful landlubber's cowardice, when he heard him say that scarcely three weeks before he had brought his schooner safely to New York from a three years' trip around the world, and intended to start out from New York on the same trip to last the same length of time. The little gentleman was the experienced captain of a sailing vessel.