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At the same time his court was filled with all the great historic names of the country, who returned, no longer avowedly the first in authority, and therefore prompt to condescend, but the first in presumption, and therefore prompt to take offence. The new alliance that was formed was that of the plebeian caste with the noblesse de l'Empire, against which it had been previously so incensed.

262. Tableau Historique et Statistique de l'Empire Russie

People would believe I am engaged in a love affair!" "Pish!" replied Louis Bonaparte laughingly, "Representatives are inviolable!" The Prince went away alone, and the following quatrain was circulated: En vain l'empire met du fard, On baisse ses yeux et sa robe. Et Berryer-Joseph so derobe A Napoleon-Putiphar. February, 1849.

"It's time for me to go and assert myself at Shinar. 'L'empire, c'est moi! Napoleon was great when he said that. A great deal greater than if he'd pretended to be meek, and want nothing but the public good!" "What gets crowded out?" Day by day that is the great test of our life.

He made a distinction between la France and l'empire, the latter of which was, by conquest, to be gradually extended over the whole of Europe, and to be raised by him above that of Germany, in the same manner that the western Roman-Germanic empire had formerly been raised by Charlemagne above the eastern Byzantine one.

This reply caused another change of front at Napoleon's Court. The demands were disavowed and the Foreign Minister, Drouyn de Lhuys, resigned . Sybel, op. cit. vol. v. pp. 365-374. Débidour, op. cit. vol. ii. pp. 315-318. See too volume viii. of Ollivier's work, L'Empire libéral, published in 1904; and M. de la Gorce's work, Histoire du second Empire, vol. vi.

Yet almost to the very end she continued with unabated courage to fulfil her daily task, and there was no sign that she had lost anything of her quick sympathy and her admirable judgment and tact. Her life was a most harmonious whole in which mind and character were happily attuned, Like perfect music set to noble words. Ollivier, L'Empire Libéral, vii. p. 455.

XVII, The Napoleonic Empire, by Theodor Flathe; Wilhelm Oncken, Das Zeitalter der Revolution, des Kaiserreiches, und der Befreiungskriege, 2 vols. II , ch. viii- xviii. Standard works on special phases of the era: Armand Lefebvre, Histoire des cabinets de l'Europe pendant le consulat et l'empire 1800-1815, 2d ed., 5 vols.

Il s'eleva apres a l'empire des genies du ciel, prononca les six syllabes et detruisit l'envie qui les tourmente pour se disputer et se combattre. "Ici, il apercut la mer d' 'Otang' comme un enfer terrible, et il vit que derechef, plusieurs millions d'etres y'etaient, bouillis, brules, et martyrises.

Whatever difficulty there may be in sometimes deciding between the designs of the Louis XIV. period, towards its close, and that of Louis XV., there can be no mistake about l'epoch de la Directoire and le style de l'Empire.