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Pan-Chao told the story, and, as he understood Russian, the major and I took part in the discussion. Yes! There was a discussion. This unmistakable Chinaman did not hesitate to contend that Kinko's case was a most serious one. A fraud undertaken on such conditions, a fraud extending over six thousand kilometres, a fraud of a thousand francs on the Grand Transasiatic Company and its agents.

The driver and the stoker are being strangled. I feel the speed of the train begin to slacken. I understand. One of the ruffians knows how to work the train, and he is slowing it to enable them to jump off and avoid the catastrophe. I begin to master my torpor. Staggering like a drunken man, I crawl to Kinko's case. There, in a few words, I tell him what has passed, and I exclaim: "We are lost!"

If ever the expression, "sinking in sight of port," could be used in its precise meaning, it evidently can in this case. And I must beg you to excuse me. But although a ship may sink by the side of the jetty, we must not conclude that she is lost. That Kinko's liberty is in danger, providing the intervention of myself and fellow passengers is of no avail, agreed.

Besides, Pan-Chao had sent to his majesty a petition relating the incidents of the journey, and insisting on the point that had it not been for Kinko's devotion, the gold and precious stones would be in the hands of Faruskiar and his bandits. And, by Buddha! that was worth something else than six months in prison. Yes!

Suddenly there is a great noise in front of the house. Shouts are heard. There is a tremendous to do, and amid the tumult I hear a voice. Good Heavens! I cannot be mistaken. That is Kinko's voice! I recognize it. Am I in my right senses? Zinca jumps up, springs to the window, opens it, and we look out. There is a cart at the door.

He is the mayor of our rolling town, and a mayor owes something to those he governs. Besides, in the event of Kinko's fraud being discovered I may as well secure the protection of this high functionary. Our train runs at only moderate speed since we left Kachgar.

I will call on her before the box arrives, and even then I shall be too soon, for I shall take her the news of Kinko's death. Major Noltitz will remain in the same hotel as I do. I have not to bid him farewell, nor have I to part with the Caternas, who are going to stay a fortnight before starting for Shanghai. As to Pan-Chao and Dr.

Arguments were of no avail with this pitiless magistrate, who had not acquitted ten prisoners in is life. He spared the delinquent the bastinado; but he gave him six months in prison, and condemned him in damages against the Grand Transasiatic Company. And then at a sign from this condemning machine poor Kinko was taken away. Let not my readers pity Kinko's fate.

"It is only too true," I replied, without any false modesty, "that I was taken in by the grand manners of the abominable rascal." "Monsieur Claudius," said Caterna, "put that into a romance, and see if anybody believes it likely." Caterna was right; but unlikely as it may seem, it was. And, besides, I alone knew Kinko's secret.