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She was invited all over the neighborhood, and her conversation was the most delightful of entertainments. Amongst the rest, she visited Mr. Walker; and through her instrumentality, his strong desire to see the great Dr. Killmany was shaped into purpose.

Still they came into his presence very cheerfully, never hinting of hardship, never breathing the apprehension that began to trouble their hearts. It was during these long winter evenings, when the neighbors sat by the fire and did what they could to cheer the sick man and the sad women, that the wonderful merits of the great Doctor Killmany began to be frequently discussed.

Killmany on their beds, and within a few hours walked away on their feet, blessing his name, and publishing his fame far and wide. Hobert began to waver, nor is it strange; for what will not a man give for his life?

None of these good people could of their own knowledge attest these wonderful cures; but there were many circumstances that added weight to the force of the general rumor. Dr. Killmany lived a great way off, and he charged a great price. He would not look at a man for less than a hundred dollars, so report said, and that was much in his favor.

Killmany; "dear to you, I dare say, but nothing to me, sir, nothing at all. I have no time to devote to your relatives. Open your shirt, sir! there, that'll do! A mere trifle, sir, but it is well you have come in time." "Do you mean to say you can cure me?" inquired Hobert, all his heart a-flutter with the excitement of hope. "Exactly so.

Killmany?" asked an old man, who had been sitting by, eying Mr. Walker with deep concern; and on receiving an affirmative nod, he went on with zeal, if not with discretion: "Then, sir, you might as well knock your own brains out! I regard him, sir, as worse than a highway robber, a good deal worse! The robber will sometimes spare your life, if he can as well as not, but Dr.

"We must mortgage the land," Jenny said, "that is all, don't mind, mother. I don't mind anything, so that we only have Hobert well again." And then they talked of what they would do another year when they should be all together once more, and all well. "Think what Dr. Killmany has done for Mrs. Brown!" they said.

He thought, at first, the food was for him; but the bird, perching on his shoulder, devoured the food, and afterward pecked at his breast until it opened a way to his heart, and with that in its claws flew away; and when it was gone, he knew it was not a bird, but that it was Dr. Killmany who had thus taken out his heart.

Killmany; "and to avoid any delay after the operation, from which you will necessarily be somewhat weak, you had perhaps better pay me now." And these were the most civil words he had yet spoken. So Hobert paid into his hand the last dollar he had. "Now, sir," he said; and Hobert laid himself down on the table. A minute, and of what befell him after that he was quite unconscious.

Norf, reckon; well you jes be gwine back Norf de fus boat, an dat's de bery bes' advice dis yere nigger can guv." "But what do you know about Dr. Killmany." "I knows dis yere, masser: he mos'ly sends dem ar' as ar' doctored by him to dar homes in a box!" Mr. Walker shuddered. "I don't want your advice," he said directly; "I only want to know where Dr. Killmany lives."