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The kestrel's eggs had not been broken, strange to say, and formed the nucleus of Arthur's collection, at which Martin worked heart and soul, and introduced Arthur to Howlett the bird-fancier, and instructed him in the rudiments of the art of stuffing.

Still, if he could only bring the Kestrel's boats down upon the scoundrels it would be so grand a coup that his hesitation was always mastered, and he stood firm, gazing out to sea. How long the minutes seemed, and what a forlorn hope it was!

Keith's only answer was a slow wave of the arm in protest toward Norman to keep clear of the contest and leave it to him. He was standing quite straight now, his eyes still resting upon Mr. Kestrel's face, with a certain watchfulness in them, as if he were expecting him to stir again, and were ready to spring on him should he do so. Unheeding him, Norman went on.

They antedate the titles under which Rawson claims. If you can break up the deal now, we will go in and recover the lands from Rawson. Wentworth is so deep in that he'll never pull through, and his friend Keith has staked everything on this one toss." Old Kestrel's parchment face was inscrutable as he gazed at Wickersham and declared that he did not know about that.

Poor little Arthur looked terribly ashamed, and East exploded in laughter which made the wood ring. "I've hardly ever seen any trees," faltered Arthur. "What a shame to hoax him, Scud!" cried Martin. "Never mind, Arthur; you shall know more about trees than he does in a week or two." "And isn't that the kestrel's nest, then?" asked Arthur. "That! Why, that's a piece of mistletoe.

For the Kestrel's wings were widespread to the soft south-easterly breeze that barely rippled the water; and mainsail, gaff topsail, staysail, and jib were so new and white that they seemed to shine like silver in the sun.

He could not help the Kestrel's men, they must do the work; but if they came ashore they would know why it was, and the possibilities were that they would surprise the lugger perhaps be in time to capture half her cargo.

Here they advanced as noiselessly as possible, lest keepers or other enemies should be about, and stopped at the foot of a tall fir, at the top of which Martin pointed out with pride the kestrel's nest, the object of their quest. "Oh, where? which is it?" asks Arthur, gaping up in the air, and having the most vague idea of what it would be like.