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'And, added Aunt Ada, with equal severity, 'you know Mr. Flight is a very kind friend to little Maura and her sister. 'Indeed he is, said Kalliope earnestly; and Maura, feeling herself addressed, added, 'Nobody but he ever called on poor mamma, till Miss Mohun did; no, not Lady Flight. 'We are very grateful for his kindness, put in Kalliope, in a repressive tone.

And I shall write to Miss White, and try to comfort her about her sister. 'You won't say I told! 'Oh no; but I shall have quite reason enough for writing in telling her that I am sorry my little niece led her sister into crooked paths. Gillian knew that this letter was written and sent, and it did not make her more eager for a meeting with Kalliope.

'I see all that, said Kalliope; 'I wish I had not been mistaken at first; but, Miss Mer -Gillian, I do not see how I can join it now. 'Why not? What do you mean? Kalliope was very unwilling to speak, but at last it came.

Miss Mohun thought her best time for seeing Kalliope would be in the dinner-hour, and started accordingly in the direction of the marble works. Not far from them she met that young person walking quickly with one of her little brothers. 'I was coming to see you, Miss Mohun said. 'I did not know that you went home in the middle of the day.

Truth inhabiteth the city of the Lokrians of the West, and Kalliope they hold in honour and mailëd Ares; yea even conquering Herakles was foiled by that Kykneän combat . Now let Agesidamos, winner in the boxing at Olympia, so render thanks to Ilas as Patroklos of old to Achilles.

I trust by the time her Easter holidays are over I may be fit to go back with her. But I do hope I may be able to copy a bit of that picture first, though, any way, I can never forget it. 'To go on as before? exclaimed Gillian, with an interrogative sigh of wonder. 'If that notice of dismissal can be revoked, said Kalliope. But would you like it -must you?

Kalliope had managed to make that little room a pleasant place, bare as it was, by pinning a few of her designs on the walls, and always keeping a terracotta vase of flowers or coloured leaves upon the table.

'And indeed, began Kalliope, 'since your aunt has been so very kind about poor little Maura 'Oh, please don't talk to me! There's such a lot to do, and I have no time. Wait till I have done. And she nervously began reading out the Greek exercise, so as effectually to stop Kalliope's mouth. Moreover, either her own uneasy mind, or the difficulty of the Greek, brought her into a dilemma.

A flock of grey birds, some kind of rock pigeons, flew out, making a sound of rushing with their wings. The Queen became, little by little, less fearful and more curious. They came at last to a cavern with a wide entrance. The daylight shone far inside. The water was blue far into the depths, not purple or black as it seemed to be just inside the narrower caves. The Queen signed to Kalliope.

Kalliope, going later, had found the like notice, but had had little time to dwell on it before she had been summoned home to her mother. Poor Mrs. White had been much shaken by the first reports of yesterday's accident, which had been so told to her as to alarm her for both her children; and when her little maid rushed in to say that 'the pelis was come after Mr.