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FOOTNOTES: [41-*] “Histoire de l’Art par les Monumens, depuis sa Décadence au IV^{e.} Siècle jusqu’

FOOTNOTE: This cope is full of interest in every detail. See M. Louis de Farcy, La Broderie du Onzième Siècle jusqu'

«Quelques-uns de ces blocs sont posés purement et simplement les uns sur les autres, et forment une colonne isolée; le plus gros sert de base, et les autres, graduellement plus petits, son posés dessus. On voit jusqu'

On Tuesday, July 10, 1584, at about half-past twelve, the Prince, with his wife on his arm, and followed by the ladies and gentlemen of his family, was going to the dining-room. William the Silent was dressed upon that day, according to his usual custom, in very plain fashion. He wore a wide-leaved, loosely shaped hat of dark felt, with a silken cord round the crown such as had been worn by the Beggars in the early days of the revolt. A high ruff encircled his neck, from which also depended one of the Beggars' medals, with the motto, "Fidèles au roy jusqu'

Look where we will, we shall find among his pages the traces of an inward mystery and the obscure infinities of the heart. Nous avons su toujours nous aimer et nous taire. The line is a summary of the romance and the anguish of two lives. That is all affection; and this all desire J'aimais jusqu'

«Mais jusqu'

"Une âpreté primitive, les larmes se cachent comme une faiblesse, communique a l'oeuvre un pathétique si poignant que le mystère de la mort s'étend jusqu'

Journal d'un Voyage dans les Cercles du Rhin. Par Collini. Paris, 1777. 8vo. Chiefly mineralogical. 329. Voyage sur le Rhin, depuis Mayence jusqu'


One coat of their own varnish goes over the smooth and the rough, the bitter and the sweet. Now Lucy, besides being singularly polite and kind, was femme jusqu' au bout des ongles. If her instincts had been reasons, and her vague thoughts could have been represented by anything so definite as words, the result might have appeared thus: "A few hours, and you can bore me no more, Mr. Talboys.