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He gazed earnestly at Hawke, who started nervously, and then said: "You know I've been away for a good bit of the ten years in the far Orient, but I used to know them all, before I went out of the line." "Then you surely know old Hugh Johnstone, the rich, old, retired deputy commissioner of Oude?" Alan Hawke slowly sipped his champagne, for his Delhi memories were both risky and uncertain ground.

"She'll have to wait, Hawke!" roughly said Hugh Johnstone, moving toward the door. "By God! she shall not wait a minute, you damned old moneybags!" cried the ruined soldier, who had long forfeited his caste his cherished rank. "You treated her like a brute to-day! She is a lady, and you can't play fast and loose with her!

I turned away, when Mr Kennedy, our gunner, a good steady old Scotchman, with whom I was a bit of a favourite, came up to me "Mr Cringle, the Captain has sent for you; poor Mr Johnstone is fast going, he wants to see you."

We spent a month or two at Bath, and found it very pleasant; my father rested from his labors, except the proof-reading; and I was instructed in the use of the broadsword by an old Peninsular officer, Major Johnstone, who had fought at Waterloo, and had the bearing of such majors as Thackeray puts into Vanity Fair.

"Put in the mule!" was the next order, and the carabineers held up the shafts while the man obeyed. Then both saluted Johnstone and Clare, and shouldered their short carbines, which had stood against the parapet. "Forward!" said the dark man, quietly. The carter took the mule by the head and started it gently enough.

Andrew Johnstone made no complaint nor did he say anything when his friends came to sympathise with him. But Mrs. Fraser, who had visited the room in company with Duncan's stricken sister, heard Splinterin' Andra whisper softly as they left the place, "Ma hert is very sair for thee, Jonathan, ma brother!"

Johnstone replied that he would keep his liberty as long as he could, and when it was no longer possible, he would meet his fate with resignation. We all know the end to which poor Balmerino came, but Johnstone was more fortunate.

Townshend's tact, wit, and good spirits carried him through the scrape somehow. He made the rounds of Leyden with his would-be adversary, calling in turn upon each of his many friends, and obtaining from each, in the presence of his companion, the assurance that Townshend had never been known to speak of Johnstone slightingly or discourteously behind his back.

Daily and almost hourly intercourse with such a young girl as Clare was a totally new experience to Brook Johnstone, and there were moments when he hardly recognised himself for the man who had landed from the yacht ten days earlier, and who had said good-bye to Lady Fan on the platform behind the hotel.

Every telescope in the fort had been called into requisition; and as they were now levelled in the direction of the fire, sweeping the line of horizon around, exclamations of surprise escaped the lips of several. "The fire is at the near extremity of the wood on Hog Island," exclaimed Lieutenant Johnstone.