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Jellico readied a second clip in the needler mechanically. But Tau was swaying so that Dane leaped to take the shock of the other's weight as he collapsed. Only for a moment did the medic hang so, then he struggled to stand erect. "Magic?" Jellico's voice, as controlled as ever, broke the silence. "Mass hallucination," Tau corrected him. "Very strong." "How!" Asaki swallowed and began again.

And under his level gaze the Eysie Captain began to find the going hard. "They have given us until noon," he started once more, "to get together " Jellico's voice came, coldly remote. "There is no reason for any 'getting together, Grange. By rights I can have you up before the Trade Board for poaching. The Solar Queen has sole trading rights here.

Before he closed the helmet, Rip had one last order to give, along with an unexpected piece of equipment. And, when Dane saw that, he knew just how desperate Shannon considered their situation to be. For only on life or death terms would the Astrogator-apprentice have used Jellico's private key, opened the forbidden arms cabinet, and withdrawn that blaster.

After three visits to the hold and the discovery that the Hoobat had uncovered no more of the pests, Dane caged the angry blue horror and returned it to its usual stand in Jellico's cabin, certain that the ship was clean for Sinbad now confidently prowled the corridors and went into every cabin of storage space Dane opened for him.

Jellico's cabin was papered with tri-dee pictures of the rare animals and alien creatures he had studied in their native haunts or of which he kept careful and painstaking records. Tau had his magic, Mura not only his plants but the delicate miniature landscapes he fashioned, to be imprisoned forever in the hearts of protecting plasta balls.

I believe Captain Jellico expects me." "Yes, sir!" Dane snapped to attention. So this was the Chief Ranger from fabulous Khatka, Xecho's sister planet. The other ascended the cat ladder easily, missing no detail of the ship's interior as he passed. His expression was still one of polite interest as his guide rapped on the panel door of Jellico's cabin.

Dane retreated into the ship and swung up the ladder to the command section. As he passed Captain Jellico's private cabin he heard the muffled squall of the commander's unpleasant pet Queex, the Hoobat a nightmare combination of crab, parrot and toad, wearing a blue feather coating and inclined to scream and spit at all comers.

"On the other hand they've had a bit of a blast they weren't expecting. It's been a long time since Grange heard anyone say 'no." "A shock which is going to wear off," Jellico's habitual distrust of the future gathered force. "This," Van Rycke tucked the disc back into his pouch, "sent them off vector a parsec or two. Grange is not one of the strong arm blaster boys.

As far as I know it's left strictly alone." "Is it still all 'hot'?" "Parts of it must be. But all we don't know." With the bottle of soup in his hand Dane climbed to Jellico's cabin. And he was so occupied with the problem at hand that at first he did not see what was happening in the small room.

His next move was one which took his rivals by surprise, in spite of their suspicions. "Under the laws of the Fellowship, O, Groft," he clung to the formal speech, "I claim redress " Ali's hand moved. Through his growing distress Dane saw Van Rycke's jaw tighten, the fighting mask snap back on Captain Jellico's face. Whatever came now was real trouble.