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At a later period after the accident, when the caustic has been neglected, some degree of inflammation is usually present, the orifice is nearly closed with the swelling, and a little pus or fluid is formed within. A slight pressure will evacuate this fluid, the caustic may then be applied within the puncture, and over the surrounding skin, beyond the inflammation, and must be allowed to dry.

An inflammation of a serous membrane may give rise to secretions which act as a poison, whether that be a "specific" poison or not, as Dr. Homer has told his young readers, and as dissectors know too well; and that poison may produce its symptoms in a few hours after the system has received it, as any may see in Druitt's "Surgery," if they care to look.

Inflammation of the carpal flexors, when acute and uncomplicated, is characterized by a painfully swollen condition of the affected tendons. No weight is borne upon the affected leg and the carpal joint is flexed. Mixed lameness is present. There is no difficulty encountered in arriving at a diagnosis because of the very noticeably inflamed parts.

Lastly, it sometimes happens, that the pain of torpor exists without any consequent inflammation of the affected part, or of any distant part associated with it, as in the membranes about the temple and eye-brows in hemicrania, and in those pains, which occasion convulsions; if this happens to gouty people, when it affects the liver, I suppose epileptic fits are produced; and, when it affects the stomach, death is the consequence.

"And when one eats it, it gives him inflammation and pains," continued the old man. "I have seen many years of famine, but never so little bread, and that so hard and stinking." "As for me I have found a secret," gravely said the third man, whose hollow countenance displayed an unnatural pallor. "Over in the Seigneur's park, above the little spring of water, there is a ledge of rock.

This poor beast had inflammation of the stomach, and, according to the directions of the traveler who brought her, was placed in bed and a night-dress put on her. She took great care to keep the covering up to her chin, though unwilling to have anything on her head; and held her arms out of the bed, her hands hidden in the sleeves of the night-dress.

Malignant endocarditis may prove fatal in a few days, or may continue in a slow subacute process for weeks or even months. It is not easy to decide just whew all acute endocarditis has entirely subsided and a chronic, slow-going inflammation is substituted.

Soon after his arrival, he caught cold and had two illnesses one after the other, enteric fever and inflammation of the lungs. At one time his condition was so bad that the doctors had hardly any hope that he would ever rise from his bed again.

The treatment for a headache due to an inflammation or tumor of the brain would, of course, be wide as the poles from that which would relieve an ordinary fatigue or indigestion pain. Besides, it is utterly irrational and often harmful to attempt to treat any headache as such. That is the open road to the morphine habit and drug addictions of all sorts.

In some instances the ingestion of opium provokes an eruption in the form of small, isolated red spots, which, in their general character, resemble roseola. Rieken remarks that when these spots spread over all the body they present a scarlatiniform appearance, and he adds that even the mucous membranes of the mouth and throat may be attacked with erethematous inflammation.