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How blatantly juvenile to his clouded, tormented brain seemed his arrogant dreams of Oxford days! What could such as he do for her, in this time of tragic upheaval. And how could all the Indias he had seen not to mention the many he had not seen be jumbled together under that one misleading name?

These contain the precious letters of Columbus, many of which have been translated and recently published in English. The "Historia general de las Indias," of Oviedo, first published in 1535. The "Historia de las Indias," of the Spanish Bishop Las Casas, composed in 1527 to 1561, which remained in manuscript until 1875, when it was printed from the original Spanish.

Letter from a Chinese official to Acuña. March. Letters from Augustinian friars to Felipe III. Estevan Carrillo, and others; May 4-June 20. Letter to Felipe III. Antonio de Ribera Maldonado; June 28. Source: All of these documents are obtained from MSS. in the Archivo general de Indias, Sevilla.

If the commerce of each of these is not managed by one nation, whether the Portuguese or others, it will happen that one will destroy the other. It will cause the price of merchandise in the Indias to advance, and a low price will be paid for them in Europe.

When that ugly crocodile of the New World was first seen by the Spanish discoverers, they called it, with a true insight into its species, 'el lagarto, the lizard, as being the largest of that lizard species to which it belonged, or sometimes 'el lagarto de las Indias, the Indian lizard. In Sir Walter Raleigh's Discovery of Guiana the word still retains its Spanish form.

The original MS. is in the Archivo de Indias; pressmark, "Simancas Filipinas; descub. descrip. y pob. Filipinas, años 1537 á 1565; est. 1, caj. i, leg. 1, 24, no. 24."

The authentic document, with several others relating to Espejo's brief career, was not published in full until 1871, and even then attracted little attention because it was not translated and because the Coleccion de Documentos del Archivo de Indias is not accessible to every one. But the publication of 1871 was by no means the first printed version of Espejo's relations.

Oliver de Nort is a native of the city of Roterdam, and he reached it with an anchor of wood. He had no other with which to anchor, nor indeed had he any other left. It is said that this is a very heavy wood of the Indias, and he has placed it at the door of his house, as a mark of distinction. He arrived, as I say, with nine men, all told, very much worn out, and as by a miracle.

The King: Don Pedro de Acuña, governor and captain-general of the Philipinas Islands, and president of my royal Audiencia there: In my Council of the Indias has been examined the clause of a letter from the ecclesiastical cabildo of the church there, a copy of which accompanies this, wherein was recounted the transactions in relation to the taking posession by the religious of the Order of St.

The author gives the numbers of Pueblo Indians officially converted during his time. We come now to a book which, though small in compass, has had perhaps greater circulation in languages other than Spanish, with the exception of the Destruycion de las Indias by the notorious Las Casas, than any other.