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He feels the beauty of the position of Todi, crowning the vineyards and olive-clad slopes, looking down upon distant woods and upon the valley of the Tiber, where towns and castles rise above the winding river. The lovely hills about Siena, with villas and monasteries on every height, are his own home, and his descrip- tions of them are touched with a peculiar feeling.

In this scene of horrible carnage fell Boabdil, truly called El Zogoybi, or the Unlucky an instance, says the ancient chronicler, of the scornful caprice of fortune, dying in defence of the kingdom of another after wanting spirit to die in defence of his own.* * Marmol, Descrip. de Africa, p. 1, 1. 2, c. 40; idem, Hist. Reb. de los Moros, lib. 1, c. 21.

The Indians made incisions with their large knives in the trunks of the trees, and fixed our attention on those beautiful red and gold-coloured woods, which will one day be sought for by our turners and cabinet-makers. Father Caulin Descrip. The Indians recognize the species by the smell, and more particularly by chewing the woody fibres.

The equable, humid, and windy climate of Tierra del Fuego extends, with only a small increase of heat, for many degrees along the west coast of the continent. The forests for 600 miles northward of Cape Horn, have a very similar aspect. Even the crops of barley and wheat are often brought into the houses to be dried and ripened. Agueeros "Descrip.

That these ales died hard in Devon and Somerset is seen by the repeated judicial orders. See also J.W. Willis Bund, Social Life in Worcestershire illustrated by the Quarter Sess. Rec. in Assoc. Archit. Soc., xxiii, Pt. ii , 373-4 . A.H. Hamilton, Quarter Sessions from Elisabeth to Anne , 28-9. Harrison, Descrip. of Engl., Bk. ii, New Shak. Soc., 32. Saml. Hale, Crim.

What a blocking of the paths of civilization there would be if a "lying heap" were piled up wherever a lie had been told, or a promise had been broken, by a child of civilization! See also Boyle, cited in Spencer's Cycl. of Descrip. The Veddahs of Ceylon, one of the most primitive of peoples, "are proverbially truthful."

For the Falkland Islands, I am indebted to Capt. The temperature of Dublin is taken from Barton. Agueros, Descrip. Hist. de la Prov. de Chiloe, 1791, p. 94. See the German Translation of this Journal; and for the other facts, Mr. On the Cordillera of central Chile, I believe the snow-line varies exceedingly in height in different summers.

The navigator, in proceeding along the channels of the delta of the Orinoco at night, sees with surprise the summit of the palm-trees illumined by large fires. See Discovery of Guiana, 1576 page 90 and the sketch of the habitations of the Guaraons, in Raleghi brevis Descrip.

The original MS. is in the Archivo de Indias; pressmark, "Simancas Filipinas; descub. descrip. y pob. Filipinas, años 1537 á 1565; est. 1, caj. i, leg. 1, 24, no. 24."