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"But you know Dunk and I have to pitch and catch in the Princeton freshman game to-morrow, and we " "Say no more! I forgot about that," exclaimed the leader. "They can't be burning the midnight incandescents. Let 'em go, fellows. And may we have the honor and pleasure of your company to-morrow night?" he asked, with an elaborate bow. "If we win yes," said Dunk. "It's a bargain, then.

He got out, snuggled the cash box under his ulster, went around to the Broadway entrance, glanced up to note that a light burned in a fifth-story window, and entered the building. The hallway was practically in darkness, one or two incandescents only threw a dim light about.

Such a vehicle could not disappear and leave no trace; it ought to be easy to find. Ahead of him flaring lights alternated with the steady, piercing brilliance of the incandescents, and both struggled against the lingering daylight. A heavy policeman at the corner had seen the car. He pointed west into the cavernous darkness of the wharves.

All the outside incandescents of dome, porte-cochère, and vestibules had been extinguished. The inside lights were limited to those in the corridors and the lobbies. The great building on Capitol Hill seemed like a cowardly giant, clumsily intent on being inconspicuous. General Totten did not harmonize with the hush.

Be on the watch and when I can I will let you know what I have decided on. I will hand Mark a note when I bring your meals, just as I did to-day. I think " "Hark! What was that?" asked the professor. There was a noise outside the door, as if some one was listening. "Put out the lights!" whispered the mate, and Jack switched off the electric incandescents.

Below, of course, as long as the incandescents were shaded, they could be turned on, and many passengers, awakened by the concussion and the following sounds, illuminated their staterooms. The lights that gleamed across the billows came from the convoying destroyers, and signals flashed from one to the other, though the meaning of them the moving picture boys could only guess at.

Then they, too, stepped back into the ante-chamber. "Ain't there any way of lighting this place?" asked one of them rather sullenly. "Nothing but three incandescents over the desks," answered Simpkins. "Use your lantern then, Tom; come on now, young feller, and show us where this woman is," he said roughly, and he pushed Simpkins through the door.

One had a watch in his hand, while another gripped a newspaper. In the gate-house, two had fallen face downward on the table that occupied the center of the rough room; checker-pieces lay scattered from the game they had been playing. Several men sprawled just outside the little house, on the platform. Under the incandescents, the effect grew weird.

Then you may see the wonderful rosy glow of the Tower of Jewels and the two Italian towers before the white light of the projectors is flashed on them. Red incandescents are hidden behind all the columns of the Tower of Jewels and concealed in each of the Italian towers, as well as in the open spaces in and around the dome of Festival Hall. These are always turned on first.

On the verandas there were fairy lamps and colored incandescents over little tables, where people sat chatting. She was not there. Beyond was a terrace, where a myriad of Oriental lanterns outlined themselves clearly in fantastically shaped planes of scarlet and orange and green against the blue darkness.