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He proclaimed forgiveness, He healed disease; He reversed evil and turned it back. He changed death into life, taking away the sting the implantation of it, which is sin. For evermore the might of the Redemption stands above the might of the Law that was transgressed." "You have dedicated your chapel, Mr. Kirkbright."

Can you say, 'From God's hand I have received the granting and implantation of a new and better life? Is your claim verified by this, that you are kindred with God in holy affections, in like purposes, loving what He loves, hating what He hates, doing what He wills, accepting what He sends, longing for Himself, and blessed in His presence?

The whole of that surface has been made ready to receive it; yet the area actually required to imbed the tiny object is extremely small. As the ovum escapes from the oviduct and enters the womb, it is smaller, in all probability, than the head of a pin. For at least a week after its coming, diligent search is necessary to find the site of implantation.

So far as I know, I am the first surgeon to experiment with gland implantation in women. I am also the first to use goat glands in preference to others. "Unquestionably I have cured sterility in one woman, and I have utmost faith that it can be cured in any other, so long as all of her organs are not missing.

It is the love of God not only love to God, but like God, from God, and fixed on the same objects and ends which He loves. It is a Divine implantation by the Holy Ghost. Perhaps some of you are saying, "Then it is useless for me to try to cultivate it, because I have not got it, exactly!" You may cut and prune and water forever, but you can never cultivate that which is not planted.

To better understand this phenomenon and to explain it as it really is and not as it apparently exists, it is worth while to compare it with the appearance of a new sentiment which was formed since the implantation of the American régime: the hygienic consciousness.

There is a participation in the Master's life, an implantation in the scholar's spirit of the Teacher's Spirit. 'Christ in us' is not only 'the hope of glory, but the power which makes possible and actual the present possession of a life kindred with, because derived from, and essentially one with, His life.

The implantation of a new principle never having been inculcated, the religious habit has degenerated into a mere form, the parents acting as if they thought that religion must come by nature or infection in a religious family.

Both as regards the primary reproductive organs, their size and shape, and the character of their implantation, malformations and anomalies, as well as the physical and mental traits lumped as the secondary sexual, puberty, maturity, and senility, voice changes and erotic trends, virility and femininity, the internal secretions are dictators at every step.

The Apostle's theory of moral renovation is that you must begin with the implantation in the spirit of the source of all moral goodness viz. Jesus Christ brought into the heart by the uniting power of humble faith. And then there will be lodged in our being a vital power, of which the natural outcome will be all manner of fair and pure things.