United States or Saint Vincent and the Grenadines ? Vote for the TOP Country of the Week !

One can get absolutely nothing in Bloemfontein, and the men were as keen as school children. It was an excellent idea sending such a lot of figs and raisins. They are soon gone, but they are so immensely appreciated while they last; they give the men the badly wanted holiday feeling.

The husk is utilized by the Sakais for producing a dye with which to paint their faces and also for making a decoction as a remedy against diarrhæa and pains in the stomach. The Sakais are immensely fond of this fruit as indeed any European, accustomed to the finest sweets, might be, the more so as it never does any harm or brings about an indigestion, even when eaten in large quantities.

Frank would lift her gently on and off, with a kind word that comforted her immensely, and gentle Ed would come and teach her new bits of music, while the other fellows were frolicking below.

I remember one song they used to sing that always took immensely. It was to the tune of "Marching Through Georgia." The chorus was: "Come out, come out, you hungry wearied souls. Come out, come out, we're here to do you good. We've marched from East to West, and North, and now we're going South, To supply the wants of those way down in Georgia."

'I assure you, says Lightwood, glancing round the table, 'I have nothing to tell. But Eugene adding in a low voice, 'There, tell it, tell it! he corrects himself with the addition, 'Nothing worth mentioning. Boots and Brewer immediately perceive that it is immensely worth mentioning, and become politely clamorous. Veneering is also visited by a perception to the same effect.

Scott, President Fillmore, Robert Fulton, J.Q. Adams, Mr. Clay, Mr. Webster, and President Taylor. They are all on imperial sheets, and are sold at $1 each. The Paris papers tell a story of a young actor, who finding no engagement in that city, came to America to try his fortune. From New Orleans he went to California, was lucky as a digger, embarked in business and got immensely rich.

I used to think meanly of the honesty of natives and treat them haughtily, as I recollect doing this very gentleman at your Uncle Newcome's in Bryanstone Square. He heaped coals of fire on my head by saving my money for me; and I have placed it with interest in his house. If I would but listen to him, my capital might be trebled in a year, he says, and the interest immensely increased.

She tilted her face forward for him to light the other cigarette at hers, and he did so, always with that suggestion of reverence which sat so oddly upon him. Mrs Gildea watching the pair was immensely struck by it. He smoked in silence for a few moments, his eyes still apparently fascinated by the glittering initials on the case which now Bridget attached to her chatelaine chain.

What my friend had had in mind proved to be immensely to the purpose. It was neither more nor less than the circumstance that for a period of several months Quint and the boy had been perpetually together.

"I have the honour to number the Earl of Wyvelstoke among my few friends, he writes to me also occasionally. You are an immensely confiding lover, and your patience is almost superhuman." "However, my waiting is nearly over, I shall see her soon soon!" "In company with every buck, Corinthian and Macaroni in London, Peregrine." "Still I shall see her, sir!"