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and a thousand of the like, wherewith the world suffers itself to be so easily imposed upon, believing that our interests affect the heavens, and that their infinity is concerned at our ordinary actions: "Non tanta caelo societas nobiscum est, ut nostro fato mortalis sit ille quoque siderum fulgor." Pliny, Nat.

Wisdom only shows God the best possible exercise of his goodness: after that, the evil that occurs is an inevitable result of the best. I will add something stronger: To permit the evil, as God permits it, is the greatest goodness. Si mala sustulerat, non erat ille bonus.

One of his embassies was to Prusias, king of Bithynia, call on him to surrender Hannibal, who was living at his court in advanced old age; this led to Hannibal's suicide. He was a man of brilliant ability both as general and as diplomat, and also possessed much culture and was a great admirer of Greek literature. ILLE VIR etc.: i.e. the shepherd mentioned in n. on line 1.

"Nonsense! was that retaliation, when a set of low burgher carls took upon themselves to disgrace the lord of castles and lands; as well might one of his serfs, when he struck him, strike him in return; that would be retaliation too. Ha! ha! ha!" Ille. "What did his lordship mean? He was no village justice, nor were the burghers of this good town serfs or boors." Hic.

Her father had asked her one day, when she was about ten or twelve years old, "What kind of a husband she would like?" and she replied, "One of equal birth." Illa: "Only the Duke of Pomerania, or the Count von Ebersburg." Ille: "Right! therefore she must never marry any other but one of these."

The succession of James VI to the throne of England, nearly three centuries later, was accepted as the fulfilment of the prophecy attached to the Coronation Stone, "Lapis ille grandis": "Ni fallat fatam, Scoti, quocunque locatum, Invenient lapidem, regnare tenentur ibidem". Thus closed the portion of Scottish history which is known as the War of Independence.

"Of course he remembered all that; it had happened too lately for him to forget the circumstance." Ille. "Well, then, let him take the lantern himself, and see if the armour hung still upon the wall." So the young lord took the lantern with trembling hands, and advanced to the place; but no there was no armour there now.

It is odd therefore, that the one apposite passage which recurred to me in its entirety was in hexameters and pentameters: Me miserum, quanti montes volvuntur aquarum! Jam jam tacturos sidera summa putes. Quantae diducto subsidunt aequore valles! Jam jam tacturas Tartara nigra putes. Quocunque adspicio, nihil est nisi pontus et aether; Fluctibus hic tumidis, nubibus ille minax....

Lollius was always ready to die for his country 'non ille pro patria timidus perire. In good faith, is it not curious? Does it not seem as though Horace had known Count Larinski at Rome or at Tibur?" "I do not doubt it for an instant," replied M. Moriaz, taking the book from the hands of Abbe Miollens and placing it respectfully on the table.

See Boswell's Hebrides, Sept. 30. 'They heard the voice of the Lord God walking in the garden. Genesis, iii. 8. ... 'Vivendi recte qui prorogat horam, Rusticus expectat dum defluat amnis; at ille Labitur et labetur in omne volubilis aevum.