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He would mention the word Dean and Helen for identification, should it be necessary. Ted went to bed and slept the sleep of the just and the weary. That next morning the newspapers printed in large headlines the ultimatum that Austria had put up to Servia. They speculated on the possibilities of war.

The original name of this goddess seems to have been , but the Greeks, who also knew her, had likened her to Enyo, their goddess of strife and warfare; hence in these days of facile identification the Romans' course was clear, and she became straightway Bellona, called by the name of their old goddess of war.

The words hit June like a pebble, in the ribs. After all she had done for Art, all her identification with its troubles and lame ducks. She was struggling for adequate words when the door was opened, and her Austrian murmured: "A young lady, gnadiges Fraulein." "Where?" "In the little meal-room."

It must be made clear to the court that at the time of making his statement the witness was under the full conviction of approaching or impending death. It is but seldom that medical evidence is required with regard to the identification of the living, though it may sometimes be so, as in the celebrated Tichborne case.

As a rule, the site has been identified with that of Calleva Atrebatum; but the proofs are scanty, and the identification must be regarded as a doubtful one. I have already ventured to suggest that the word may contain the root Silva, as the town is situated close upon the ancient borders of Pamber Forest. The absence of early forms, however, makes this somewhat of a random shot.

The young man glanced northward with intent to discover, by their pennons, who his visitors might be. But the distance was too great, and identification was made more difficult by the swarming of the populace round the newcomers. So, being unable to make the matter out, Earl William despatched his brother David to bring him word of their quality.

The captain received with feigned indifference the news that the dead body of a man had been found that very night, a man who appeared to be a German, but without papers, without anything that assured his identification, on a dock some distance from the berth occupied by the Mare Nostrum.

He pulled mechanically, the revery ever deepening, then a sharp hail awoke him. “O-op! What do you here?” The call was in Phœnician. Glaucon scarce knew the harsh Semitic speech, but the lembos, a many-oared patrol cutter, was nearly on them. A moment more, and seizure would be followed by identification.

It is, of course, in the illustrated editions of Aylwin that D'Arcy's identification with Rossetti and his importance in the story become specially manifest. On page 204 of the illustrated editions an exact picture has been given by Rossetti's pupil, Dunn, of the famous studio at 16 Cheyne Walk the studio which will always be associated with Rossetti's name.

The clerk, who was taking down the names of the prisoners, with difficulty repressed an exclamation of surprise when the green man produced an identification card, and whispered a few words in his ear. "Release that gentleman at once," said the clerk. "With regard to the other " "With regard to the other," the green man broke in, "kindly release him too. I want to keep him with me."