Vietnam or Thailand ? Vote for the TOP Country of the Week !
Updated: September 3, 2024
He pulled mechanically, the revery ever deepening, then a sharp hail awoke him. “O-op! What do you here?” The call was in Phœnician. Glaucon scarce knew the harsh Semitic speech, but the lembos, a many-oared patrol cutter, was nearly on them. A moment more, and seizure would be followed by identification.
Paula, however, would not allow her to finish; she lifted her up, kissed her forehead, and said that she quite understood how she had been led into it, and that she, like Mary, would try to forgive her. Standing by the governor's many-oared barge, to which the young girls now escorted her, she found Orion.
"I don't presume to settle anything. I only thought I might give you some necessary information. I hoped, too, to save you a little trouble in sparing you the walk to Tory Hill." He looked away from her, his eyes wandering up the reach of the river, over which the long, thin, many-oared college craft shot like insects across a pool.
The boats, long canoe-like craft and round-bowed, many-oared barges, put out hastily into the river; through binoculars they could see people scattering from the surrounding fields, driving cattle ahead of them. By the time they were over the city, nobody was in sight.
Paula, however, would not allow her to finish; she lifted her up, kissed her forehead, and said that she quite understood how she had been led into it, and that she, like Mary, would try to forgive her. Standing by the governor's many-oared barge, to which the young girls now escorted her, she found Orion.
As she descended the side of the ship and was guided down the steps, she closed her eyes that she might not see herself lifted into the many-oared boat by the wild-looking Arabs, of whom she had caught a glimpse from above. But she could not close her ears; and as they approached the shore, strange sounds almost deafened her.
It was one of the saddest experiences of my life. To watch the destruction of that beautiful land, from which my ancestors set out in many-oared galleys, practically rowing themselves, when the winds weren't favorable, all the way to northern Canada, centuries before Columbus. When I think of the courage and determination that must have taken, to brave the storms and chilling waters.
Galley-foist was the name given to long many-oared barges, particularly the Lord Mayor's barge of state. Foist is also a term for a sharper; and gallifoist was intended to be pronounced here gullifoist. An account of the way to play Gleek is given in the Compleat Gamester, 1674. Ambergrease was not uncommonly used for culinary purposes. Father-in-law is often used by old writers for step-father.
Well might the far-seeing emperor have predicted sorrow and trouble for the land from these sea-rovers, as he is said to have done, on seeing their many-oared ships from a distance. Yet even his foresight could scarcely have imagined that, before he was seventy years in the grave, the vikings of the north would be stabling their horses in the most splendid of his palaces.
Paula, however, would not allow her to finish; she lifted her up, kissed her forehead, and said that she quite understood how she had been led into it, and that she, like Mary, would try to forgive her. Standing by the governor's many-oared barge, to which the young girls now escorted her, she found Orion.
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