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"If he wanted her, why didn't he go up and take her?" "Because he is a gentleman, a cicada of fine and delicate feeling." "Hou!" laughed Carlotta. "He was a fool. It served him right. She grew tired of waiting." "You believe, then," said I, "in marriage by capture?" I explained and discoursed to her of the matrimonial habits of the Tartar tribes. "Yes," said Carlotta. "That is sense.

In the course of this very unseemly tumult, which soon involved all persons present in hostile demonstrations towards each other, both the Mandarin and the official from the Fireworks and Coloured Lights Department found an opportunity to pass away secretly, the former to consider well the various sides of the matter, towards which he became better disposed with every thought, the latter to find a purchaser of his appointment and leave Fow Hou before the likelihood of Chan Hung's scheme became generally known.

"'If the detail could honourably be regarded in such a light, said Chan Hung, 'this person would, without delay, so rearrange matters in Fow Hou, and thereby create universal justice and an unceasing contentment within the minds of all.

The oblong blotch abruptly disappeared, only to reappear an instant later. I was beginning to understand. Of course it was in the beleaguered east wing! "I hope I didn't startle you a moment ago." I resolved to be very stiff and formal about it. "May I enquire, madam, what you are doing in my hou my castle?" "You may." "Well," said I, seeing the point, "what are you doing here?"

Chung Wang, who had certainly been the hero of the Taeping movement, was beheaded on August 7, and the young Tien Wang was eventually captured and executed also, by Shen Paochen. For this decisive victory, which extinguished the Taeping Rebellion, Tseng Kwofan, whom Gordon called "generous, fair, honest and patriotic," was made a Hou, or Marquis, and his brother Tseng Kwotsiuen an Earl.

When sacrificing to the spirits of the land and of grain, the Son of Heaven used a bull, a ram, and a boar; the feudal nobles only a ram and a boar; and the common people, scallions and eggs in spring, wheat and fish in summer, millet and a sucking-pig in autumn, and unhulled rice and a goose in winter. If there was anything infelicitous about the victim intended for God, it was used for Hou Chi.

"I thought I looked very pretty," said Carlotta, moving a step nearer. I sat down at my writing-table and fixed my eyes on my paper. "You are like a Houri that has been sent away from Paradise for misbehaviour," I said. She laughed her curious cooing laugh. "Hou! Seer Marcous is shocked!" And she ran, away, rubbing Polyphemus's nose against her face.

Just before I left Kalgan my larder was enriched from another and unexpected source. Thanks to the friendly introduction of an American gentleman in Peking, His Excellency, Hou Wei Têh, the Senior Vice-President of the Wai-wu-pu, most courteously sent instructions to Chinese officials along my route, especially at Kalgan and Urga, to give me every assistance.

While Julien, dazed and bewildered, was seeking a reply, she passed quickly to the next group, going from one to another, and watching with interest the placing of the bouquet on the summit of the hut. One of the men brought a ladder and fastened the flowers to a spike. When they were securely attached and began to nod in the air, he waved his hat and shouted: "Hou, houp!"

On the other hand, the workmen held themselves ready, as ever, to give a day's work to the Republic, and a strong resistance was being formed in the suburbs. "The people are with us," the pious Agaric used to say. However, men, women, and children, when leaving their factories, used to shout with one voice: A bas Chatillon! Hou! Hou! la calotte!