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And now" he rolled flat on his back, balanced his neck on the head-rest under the bulkhead light, and his fat book on his chest "now I'm not advising anybody, and particularly not you, Fatty, but that's the way a competent yeoman, with a little advice from a couple of old shipmates, laid that hose-pipe ghost of other days. But mind, I'm not telling you to go and do anything like that."

He wanted the decision made upon his statement; and it appeared like an insult to him to ask a student for his version of the affair after the instructor had spoken. "When I was informed that McDougal had directed the hose-pipe at Mr.

And as Rachel took her seat she saw on the screen which was scarcely a dozen feet away a man kneeling at the end of a canal-lock, and sucking up the water of the canal through a hose-pipe; and this astoundingly thirsty man drank with such rapidity that the water, with huge boats floating on it, subsided at the rate of about a foot a second, and the drinker waxed enormously in girth.

Then by this time you probably know a little something of the ways that shore-going departments invent to worry us poor fellows to sea, He held up the hose-pipe thing. 'You've seen this before, Willoughby? "'Oh yes, sir, says Willoughby."

They did so, found nine of the gentle creatures there, saw them get a bath of Lake Michigan water from a hose-pipe, which they were told was given them three times daily. Then they were harnessed to their sledges and driven around the park, just as they are driven in their own country. After that they ran races, then they were fed and milked.

Recklow watched the wire unreeling, foot after foot, rod after rod, plumbing the dark burrow of the Boche deep down under the earth. And, when they were ready, guided by the wire, they lowered the curious hose-pipe, down, down, ever down, attaching reel after reel to the lengthening tube until Recklow checked them and turned to watch the men who stood feeding the wire into the roaring chasm.

"'Respectfully returned, with the information that the need of the section of hose-pipe no longer exists, for the reason that we filled the Savannah's tanks with it seven years ago. "'Very respectfully, "'Your obedient servant,

Most ingenious were the methods for ``training freshmen, one of the mildest being the administration of soot and water by a hose-pipe thrust through the broken panel of a door. Among general freaks I remember seeing a horse turned into the chapel, and a stuffed wolf, dressed in a surplice, placed upon the roof of that sacred edifice.

The most valiant will fly at the mere utterance of that word. The most broad-minded will put their backs up against it. The most rash will not dare to affront it. I myself have seen it empty buildings that had been full; and I know that it will scatter a crowd more quickly than a hose-pipe, hornets, or the rumour of plague.

Suddenly, as he watched, the flowing wire stopped, swayed violently sideways, then was jerked out of the men's hands. "The Boche bites!" they shouted. Their officer, reading the measured wire, turned to Recklow and gave him the depth; the hose-pipe ran out sixty yards; then Recklow checked it and put on his gasmask as the whistle signal rang out along the mountain.