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Boris was now at the door; she heard the soft creaking of the rusty hinges, and on the threshold he stopped to say in a voice that sounded strangely alien and altered, the voice of a man who is all alone somewhere or other, and who is speaking to himself sadly and hopelessly, "No, not that, I am so tired of having nothing but misunderstandings to live for."

All at once he became hopelessly empty and friendless, and he felt his knees urging him to sit down. He next became conscious that the shoulders of Mr. Burns were shaking a bit, as if he had encountered a piece of rare humor. After an instant, when Anderson made no move to go, the man at the desk wheeled about, exposing a bloated countenance purple with suppressed enjoyment.

"How about this habeas corpus hearing, Mr. District Attorney?" he asked. "Are you going to let them get those gypsies out of jail?" "The case against them appears to be hopelessly defective, sir," returned Niles, stiffly.

Everything in England is so beautiful, and yet its society seems so so hopelessly unsatisfactory to one who longs to live!" "To live, Opal? We are not dead, surely! What do you mean by life?" And so her name was Opal! How curiously the name suited the voice!

I suppose" he went on slowly, wrestling with his thoughts as he put them into words "I suppose it's because we resent infidelity so bitterly or else why is it it touches us on the raw so much? Why is it you were so sick with me for saying that insane thing about King and Hop Lee?" "I don't know, Louis," she said hopelessly. "It simply made me feel sick."

The peasants who, having lost faith in Don Carlos, rallied round Cabrera, now saw themselves abandoned by their worshipped leader, and turned hopelessly enough homewards. Thus gradually the country relapsed into quiet, and empty garners compelled many to lay aside the bayonet and take up the spade who, having tasted the thrill of battle, had no longer any taste for the ways of peace.

And yet this brain, with its moral vision hopelessly blurred, judged unerringly in its own peculiar plane. What power it must have possessed, that, unexhausted by the flames of love, it grasped infallibly the myriad problems of war, scanning them the more clearly, perchance, in the white heat of its own passion.

And yet, unless this thing did happen; unless voluntarily, the men of property agreed to relinquish their private rights, and sink their own interests for the good of the others, Ramage had quite calmly and straightforwardly prophesied force. Apparently the choice lay between suicide and murder. . . . It all seemed so hopelessly futile to Vane.

Naturally our trip had appealed to them, and one month in Benton had aggravated that hopelessly incurable disease Wanderlust. So we had agreed that somewhere down river we would camp for a week and wait for them. They would do the cooking, and we would take them in tow.

All the innumerable schemes of reform which were based upon the retention of the old regime in the Turkish Empire have hopelessly broken down; and the only chance for an awakening in these lands of ancient civilisation seemed to depend upon the breakdown of the old system under the impact of Western imperialism or insurgent nationalism.