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Unless something begins to happen and rather soon there's no excuse for me to stay here." "Couldn't you," Plemponi suggested, "regard this as a kind of well-earned little vacation?" "I've tried to regard it as that. Holati impressed on me that one of us had to remain in the area of the Project at all times, so I haven't even been able to leave the school grounds.

"How come Quillan didn't start wondering when I didn't show up in Mantelish's lab with Repulsive?" "So that's what he was for!" Holati said. He rubbed the side of his jaw. "I was curious about that angle! That wasn't Quillan. That was Quillan's fac." "In Mantelish's lab?" Trigger said, startled. "Sure. That's how they all got in.

Plemponi glanced nervously across the balcony at the cloudless blue sky about the quadrangle. "The impression I got from Holati Tate," he said, "is that somebody might." There was a tube portal at the end of the hall outside Doctor Plemponi's office.

They slid presently into a tunnel-like lock of the space vehicle Holati Tate had described as a flying mountain. From what Trigger could see of it in the guide lights on the approach, it did rather closely resemble a very large mountain of the craggier sort.

Trigger realized she was twisting her hands together. She looked down at them. The little jewel in the ring Holati Tate had given her to wear blinked back with crimson gleamings. Crimson! She drew a long, slow breath. "Brule," she said. "Yes?" said Brule. At the edge of her vision she saw the smile turn eager. Trigger said, "Give me the plasmoid." She raised her eyes and looked at him.

The Commissioner thanked him. He directed a fine spray of the solvent into the black box and watched the fungus melt. "Happen to notice where Trigger and Lyad went?" he asked. "Eh?" said Mantelish. He reflected. "I saw them walking down toward camp talking together as I came in," he called. "Should I go get them?" "Don't bother," Holati said. "They'll be back."

Its sides pulsed lightly and regularly against her palms. "The level of the stuff keeps going down," she added. "Good," said Holati. He pulled a chair up to the table and sat down opposite her. He looked broodingly at plasmoid 113-A. "You really think this thing likes me personally?" Trigger inquired. Her boss said, "It's eating, isn't it? And moving.

"Next day," said Holati, "Doctor Gess Fayle presented Mantelish with a transmitted message from U-League Headquarters. It contained instructions to have Fayle mount the 112-113 unit immediately in one of the League ships at Harvest Moon and bring it quietly to Maccadon." Mantelish frowned. "The message was faked!" he boomed. "Not only that," said Holati.

Mantelish stood up and went over to the Commissioner. He grasped the Commissioner's jacket lapels. "Holati, old friend!" he began emotionally. "What is it, old friend?" the Commissioner inquired. "What I have to say," Mantelish rumbled, "will shock you. Profoundly." "No!" exclaimed the Commissioner. "Yes," said Mantelish.

You went right to the top there, didn't you?" "Tried to," said Holati Tate. "It's a good idea when you want real service. They told me to stay calm and to say nothing to you. An expert would be shipped out promptly." "Was he?" "Yes." Trigger's eyes narrowed a little. "Same old hypno-spray treatment?" "Right," said Commissioner Tate. "He came, sprayed, investigated.