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The hod-carrier traversing the walls of lofty buildings, and the sailor swinging on the yard-arm, are not subject to nervousness, though they smoke and chew; nor are they prone to dyspepsia, unless from excesses of another kind.

"You really don't think," she said, when we were alone, and little Pat, with his upturned blue eyes serenely surveying the features of the good lady who knew how to feed him, was placidly pulling away at his india-rubber tube, "that I will consent to your keeping such a creature as this in the house? Why, he's a regular little Paddy! If you kept him he'd grow up into a hod-carrier."

"Then," said the doctor, "I should think the poor man I beg your pardon, I mean the hod-carrier could have as grand a house as the architect himself." "I don't know what a hod-carrier is," replied Thorwald, "but I get your meaning, and you are quite right.

Then Anne admitted: "I felt like squaring myself with you, Nolla, for your hint that I was answering ads. in the Matrimonial Mirror." "Well, then, is it for a hod-carrier?" insisted the irrepressible Eleanor. "Almost as good; it is for a teacher to carry learning up into young ladies' brains at a fashionable seminary in New York." "What? never!" declared Barbara.

Company own everything stores, saloons, women. Pay you the money and get it all back. Every day a man killed. Hell!" "Then where did you go?" "Chicago printing anything to do I could get. Sometimes make forty cents a day. Little. Have to feed and work for wife and three children. I try and try. Hod-carrier" Giotto laughed at the memory "press coats anything. Then come back here."

He then rejoices to plaster as much as he can in his hair and ears and on his face, until he looks like a cross between a hod-carrier and a Fiji-Islander. And grown men, I've concluded, are very much the same with their appetite of love.

I might just as easily have been a preacher but for the barrier in the shape of a theological seminary, or a hod-carrier but for the barrier of learning how. As it was, I could draw my pay for husking corn on Saturday night, and begin accumulating salary as a schoolmaster on Monday. The plan was simplicity itself, and that may account for my choice of a vocation.

The hod-carrier and helot who works from dawn to dusk, who goes in rags, who fares on coarsest food, whose wife and children live in squalor, may be considered unhappy, but they never experience real suffering, acute, unasuageable, poignant grief, until they become possessed of money and mansions and modern grandeur, only to find themselves coldly isolated.

Here are men claiming to have been worth forty thousand dollars, half in biped property, half in all other kinds, and they lived in dens such as a drayman would have disdained and a hod-carrier only accepted on compulsion.

A negro hod-carrier, splashed with plaster, and wearing a ragged shirt and a crownless straw hat, had taken a seat beside him. The familiarity of the act startled Oliver. No negro wayfarer would have dared so much in his own Square at home.