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That afternoon as Juan Alvarez stood guard upon a hill he saw, far off to the west, four horsemen, riding slowly across the mesa. Instantly he whistled to his herders, waving his arms and pointing, and in a panic of apprehension they circled around their sheep, crouching low and punching them along until the herd was out of sight.

Often had these terrible pests of the settlers in that and the adjacent regions, flown in immense clouds over their heads during former seasons, winging their way to the richer country which lay to the east, but never before had they been attracted to the scanty patches of corn and potatoes which skirted the hovels where the herders dwelt.

"Take Dunk down to the ranch till the sheriff gets here if it's straight goods about Dunk sending for him. If he didn't, we can take Dunk in to-morrow, ourselves." He turned and fixed a cold, commanding eye upon the slack-jawed herders. "Come along, you two, and get these sheep headed outa here."

They had nothing to do worth speaking of but to follow along in the rear of the herd and talk to the boys, the most of the work being performed by George and Mr. Wentworth, who during the first part of the journey managed the cattle both day and night. They offered to assist in any way they could, but the practised herders did not need them, and besides, they were afraid to trust them.

"Well, one thing is sure," Johnny observed, "the Chukche reindeer herders have not come. It was not they who did it." "No," answered the Jap girl. "Say!" exclaimed Johnny, in a tone more severe than he had ever used with his companion, "why in thunder can't we get out of this hole? What are we sticking here for?" "Can't tell." The girl wrung her hands again. "Can't tell. Can't go, that's all.

But Selkirk had reckoned without the partners of the North-West Company of Montreal, who were not prepared to permit mere herders and tillers to disturb the Indians and the game. The Nor'Westers attacked the helpless colonists and massacred a score of them. Selkirk retorted in kind, leading out an armed band which seized the Nor'Westers' chief post at Fort William.

There was great rejoicing among the herders when, in the latter part of April, they drove their flocks to Glen City for the shearing, and heard that Sandy McCulloch had been made manager of Crescent Ranch. Mr.

There was a half-minute cessation of the baa and blat, and before it was resumed the tender had prodded the two herders into wakefulness. "Better sleep with one eye open," he advised. "There's a wolf in the hills. Just crossing through, mebbe but anyhow you better stay awake to hold the sheep while I fire a shot to scare him off if he comes too close.

Immediately they were greeted by the whirr of wheels, the chatter of many herders, and the blatting of sheep. Mr. Clark came forward. "Well, Don," he said, "this is quite a sight, isn't it?" "I should say it was! I had no idea shearing was done this way. It is just the way they clip horses or cut my hair." His father smiled. "Yes, it is done on the same principle. Let us watch this man here.

In practice the night herders soon became teamsters, replacing sick men, or those who for some reason had turned, or were turned back, and the slavish duty of night herding cattle fell upon the teamsters. "Thomas Fields of Jackson County, Missouri, route agent for the S. S. company, was elected captain of the combined trains.