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The Laodicean George said he did not understand the differences, but that it seemed to him a confounded shame, and he would undertake that Mr. Haystoun, if returned, would take immediate steps in the matter. So far he had done well, but with the next question he betrayed his ignorance.

At Galetti's of course? By good luck that was also his headquarters. And so he talked pleasingly, in the style of a lady's drawing-room, while Lewis, his mind consumed with interest, sat puzzling out the discords in his face. "Do you know, Mr. Marker, we were talking about you before you came in. I was telling Mr. Haystoun that I thought you were half Scotch. Mr.

She consoled herself with the thought that whereas then she had been warm, flushed, and untidy, she was now very cool and elegant in her prettiest frock. Then Mr. Stocks arose and explained that he was delighted to meet Mr. Lewis Haystoun, that he knew of his reputation, and hoped to have some pleasant talk on matters dear to the heart of both.

We are old sticks and very full of angles, but it would be a pity to rub them off if the shape were to be spoiled." Lord Beauregard nodded. "Tell me more about your friend Haystoun." Wratislaw's face relaxed, and he became communicative. "He is a Scots laird, rather well off, and, as I have said, uncommonly clever. He lives at a place called Etterick in the Gled valley."

It gave him honest pleasure to think that at last he had stolen a march on his friend. He should at least have his sleep in peace before the inevitable end. He looked at his watch; it was almost half-past eleven. "Haystoun said they'd be here at midnight," he whispered to his companion. "We haven't long. When do you suppose Andover will come?" "Not for an hour and a half at the earliest.

"I am instructed to give you all the help in my power, but I should like to know your game. It isn't sport this time, is it, Haystoun? Logan is still talking about his week with you. Well, well, we can do things at our leisure. I have letters to write, and then it will be dinner-time, when we can talk. Come to the club at eight, 'Cercle des Voyageurs, corner of Rue Neuve de St. Michel.

This Stocks is a sort of living embodiment of the irritable Radical conscience, a very good thing in its way, but not quite in Lewie's style." The fifth cutting mentioned the presence of Mr. Haystoun at three garden-parties, and hinted the possibility of a mistress soon to be at Etterick. George lay back in his chair gasping. "I never thought it would come to this.

He looked up to see a tall figure in pyjamas standing over him. "Now I wonder who the deuce you are?" it was saying. "My name's Haystoun. H-a-y-s;" then he broke off and laughed. He had fallen into his old trick of spelling his name to the Oxford tradesmen when he was young and hated to have it garbled. He looked up at the questioner again. "Bless me, Andy, so it's you."

Lewis Haystoun, whom she was never likely to meet again, became a figure of interest in her eyes. She turned to say something more, but Wratislaw, having unburdened his soul to some one, and feeling a little relieved, was watching his chief's face further down the table.

And the pair ran down to a deep brown pool in the burn and cleansed from their fingers the subtle aroma of fleeces. "Ugh! my clothes smell like a drover's. That's the worst of being a dabbler in most trades. You can never resist the temptation to try your hand." "But, really, your whole manner was most professional, Mr. Haystoun. Your language "