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Since writing the above, I have had the pleasure of receiving a letter from this gentleman, who has for some time held the responsible and interesting position of superintendent of public instruction in the Hawaiian Islands, his son, a graduate of the University of Michigan, having been Secretary of the Territory.

But the Bible and a free press will, it is devoutly to be hoped, triumph. Among other publications constantly issuing from the Hawaiian press are several newspapers, both in English and the native language, which have a wide circulation.

The Americans, of course, predominate, and even those who are Hawaiian born, have, as elsewhere, a strongly national feeling. The far smaller English community hangs together in a somewhat cliquish fashion, and possibly cherishes a latent grudge against the Americans for their paramount influence in island affairs. The German residents, as everywhere, are cliquish too.

Then, in the spring of 1866 he was commissioned by the "Sacramento Union" to write a series of letters that would report the life, trade, agriculture, and general aspects of the Hawaiian group. He sailed in March, and his four months in those delectable islands remained always to him a golden memory an experience which he hoped some day to repeat.

The Hawaiian jerked a repair strip from a belt pouch, slapped it on the crack in Bradshaw’s bubble. Rip wasted no time, either. By the time Koa had the strip in place he had pulled the connections from his belt light. He ran the tips of the wires over the edges of the strip. The current sealed the patch in place instantly. Koa grabbed the atmosphere control on Bradshaw’s belt and turned it.

"You men! You filthy, dirty pigs! You're all the same, all of you. Pigs! Pigs!" Dr Macphail gasped. He understood. Envoi When your ship leaves Honolulu they hang leis round your neck, garlands of sweet smelling flowers. The wharf is crowded and the band plays a melting Hawaiian tune.

The only place they do know is at Waipio. How did you learn?" "I came to you from there," the man answered. "Oh, and that is where you learned. Well and good. Hereafter this place shall be called Hilo." And so it has been. The town at the mouth of the Wailuku has since that day been known by the Hawaiian word meaning "to twist."

Take the Hawaiian account of Cook: I have no doubt it is entirely fair. Here we see every engine of dissolution directed at once against a virtue never and nowhere very strong or popular; and the result, even in the most degraded islands, has been further degradation. Mr.

The Hawaiian notions of a future state, where any existed, were peculiarly vague and dismal, and Mr. "Will my spirit never die, and can this poor weak body live again?" an old chiefess exclaimed, and this delighted surprise seemed the general feeling of the natives.

Under the provisions of the joint resolution, the existing customs relations of the Hawaiian Islands with the United States and with other countries remain unchanged until legislation shall otherwise provide.