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'Thus armed we went up Wildlake's Way and came to Carlstead, where half-a-score Woodlanders joined themselves to us, so that we became a band.

So many great names, so many famous victories and conquests drowned and swallowed in oblivion, render our hopes ridiculous of eternising our names by the taking of half-a-score of light horse, or a henroost, which only derives its memory from its ruin.

And now, lo! down upon the road that winds along the river's bank from Staines there come towards us, laughing and talking together in deep guttural bass, a half-a-score of stalwart halbert-men Barons' men, these and halt at a hundred yards or so above us, on the other bank, and lean upon their arms, and wait.

My prospect in the Excise is something; at least, it is encumbered as I am with the welfare, the very existence, of near half-a-score of helpless individuals what I dare not sport with. In the meantime, they are most welcome to my Ode; only, let them insert it as a thing they have met with by accident and unknown to me. Nay, if Mr.

I cared not to carry my own gloom to the girls, and so sate in my own room, dawdling with old papers, which awakened as many stings as if they had been the nest of fifty scorpions. Then the solitude seemed so absolute my poor Charlotte would have been in the room half-a-score of times to see if the fire burned, and to ask a hundred kind questions.

"So it does, seemin'ly," exclaimed Tom as I pointed out the slimy backs of half-a-score of them floating down the stream; for I could see now that they were no trees, while here and there on the muddy bank we could make out a solitary monster basking, open-mouthed, in the sun. "Come along," I said, "let's get over." "But will they touch the boat, Mas'r Harry?

And another thing: please to observe that you are not arriving quite alone and without a sponsor in the place, like the youngsters who make the round of half-a-score of publishers before they find one that will offer them a chair." Lucien's experience confirmed the truth of this particular.

We have to do here with Scotland before the march of intellect; with Scotland of the last two centuries; with the three or four hundred thousand families, who for half-a-score of generations believed simply and firmly in the principles of the Reformation, and walked in the ways of it. Looked at broadly, one would say they had been an eminently pious people.

They looked to my French eyes somewhat indifferent and unconcerned: it is true that they were all my seniors by at least half-a-score of years, but the fact did not put me more at ease.

He looked again and saw a shadow stealing along the Tenements, then, another, then half-a-dozen. He remembered Mr. Carfrae's words, "If you ever hear that horn, I implore you to hasten to the square," and in another minute he had reached the Tenements. Now again he saw the gypsy. She ran past him, half-a-score of men, armed with staves and pikes, at her heels.