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Near the entrance of the refectory, which occupies the whole south side of the quadrangle, stand a band of halberdiers, whose torches cast a ruddy glare on the opposite tower and buttresses of the convent church, revealing the statues not yet plucked from their niches, the crosses on the pinnacles, and the gilt image of Saint Gregory de Northbury, still holding its place over the porch.

The archers, who in the changes of time had become halberdiers, had dropped the bundle of spears they had made for a battering-ram. Two of them took Zorzi by the arms roughly, and prepared to drag him along with them. He made no resistance, but objected quietly. "I can walk better, if you do not hold me," he said. "I cannot run away, as you see." "Let him walk between you," ordered the officer.

"Hold your peace, sir," said the Duke, "and keep your ain breath to cool your ain porridge ye'll find them scalding hot, I promise you. Call in the other fellow, who has some common sense. One sheep will leap the ditch when another goes first." Cuddie was introduced unbound, but under the guard of two halberdiers, and placed beside Macbriar at the foot of the table.

Afterward I remembered who and where it had been. God guard me from sinning against my own child, but that was exactly the way the young girl looked who they it was farther back in the past than you can remember burned here for a witch, as the halberdiers and monks led her to the place of execution.

"Wait outside the King's apartments. I am going there now," he replied. I followed him, saw him pass into the King's suite, and had another season of waiting. This was the longest and the most trying. I stood, now tapping the floor with my foot, now watching the halberdiers at the curtained door, while they glanced indifferently at me.

As he uttered these words, he was thrust off from the battlements by the halberdiers, and his body swung into the abyss amid the hootings and execrations of the spectators below. Having glutted his eyes with the horrible sight, Henry descended from the tower, and returned to Anne Boleyn.

Do you like it?" Any one would have been obliged to like it. It was lovely to look at, it was so shapely and fine, and so cunningly perfect in all its particulars, even to the little flags waving from the turrets. Satan said we must put the artillery in place now, and station the halberdiers and display the cavalry.

These were his first words, spoken when, as all believed, he had been mortally wounded. The, message of mercy came, however, too late; for two of the gentlemen present, by an irresistible impulse, had run the assassin through with their rapiers. The halberdiers rushed upon him immediately after wards, so that he fell pierced in thirty-two vital places.

But finding no respect paid to his injunctions, he rushed between them, and with the aid of the halberdiers, forcibly separated them. "My lord of Surrey," said the officer, "you are my prisoner. I demand your sword." "On what plea, sir?" rejoined the other. "You have drawn it against the king's son and the act is treason," replied the officer.

He said it placidly, but it took our breath for a moment and made our hearts beat. He did not seem to notice that, but mended our halberdiers and things with a touch, handing them to us finished, and said, "Don't you remember? he was an angel himself, once." "Yes it's true," said Seppi; "I didn't think of that." "Before the Fall he was blameless." "Yes," said Nikolaus, "he was without sin."