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Updated: September 12, 2024

B. Gurin passed his hand through his wavy brown hair, cut semi-pompadour in the latest fashion. There was no denying B. Gurin's claims to beauty. "What is the use talking, Mr. Perlmutter?" he said, carefully examining his finger-nails. "I am sick and tired of looking at 'em. Believe me I ain't lying to you, if I looked at one I must of looked at hundreds.

He turned away; but as his eye rested on B. Gurin, who still lingered over the presents, he was obliged to admit that he had chosen a fitting candidate, and he even felt mollified toward his delinquent customer as he reflected on Gurin's lost opportunity. "Gurin," he said, "ain't you going to congradulate the Kahlo?" "I didn't know she was here at all," Gurin said sadly.

He recognized that an opportunity was here presented to correct Abe's figures by the addition of fifteen dollars to the price of the engagement present, but he deemed it more prudent to await the arrival of Gurin's first order. In point of fact, Morris had begun to examine the mails with some anxiety for a letter postmarked Bridgetown.

"Oh, where shall we meet? You know I want very much to talk to you," said Levin. Oblonsky seemed to ponder. "I'll tell you what: let's go to Gurin's to lunch, and there we can talk. I am free till three." "No," answered Levin, after an instant's thought, "I have got to go on somewhere else." "All right, then, let's dine together." "Dine together?

The truth was that Gurin's presence at the reception that afternoon was not inspired by curiosity concerning either Mrs. Gladstein or Asimof. Business was undeniably bad with him, and he was making an earnest effort to keep his financial head above water.

He turned to view B. Gurin hastening after him. "Well, Gurin," he grunted, "what you want now?" Gurin stopped and gasped for breath, and Morris's heart gave a triumphant leap as he noted the anxiety displayed on B. Gurin's clean-shaven features. "Speak up, Gurin," he said; "I got to get my train." Gurin smiled in surrender. "All right, Mr.

More than two weeks had elapsed since Gurin's wedding, and, making due allowances for honeymooning, it seemed to Morris that from an inspection of Mrs. Gladstein's stock, made by him on a congratulatory visit to Bridgetown, there was immediate need for replenishment. "I don't understand why we don't hear from them people at all," he said. "Give 'em a show, Mawruss. Give 'em a show," Abe replied.

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