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Grish Chunder De has reported himself sick, and has been transferred to his own province without any sort of reprimand. He was strong on not having taken over the district. 'Of course, said Tallantire bitterly. 'Well, what am I supposed to have done that was wrong?

Grish Chunder De, Esq., M. A., will uphold the prestige of the Bengali, notwithstanding what underhand intrigue and peshbundi may be set on foot to insidiously nip his fame and blast his prospects among the proud civilians, some of which will now have to serve under a despised native and take orders too. How will you like that, Misters?

In either case he would begin to lie, through fear or vanity. He was safest in my own hands, "They are very funny fools, your English," said a voice at my elbow, and turning round I recognized a casual acquaintance, a young Bengali law student, called Grish Chunder, whose father had sent him to England to become civilized.

Grish Chunder grinned. "Yes also pretty girls cousins of his house, and perhaps not of his house. One kiss that he gives back again and remembers will cure all this nonsense, or else" "Or else what? Remember he does not know that he knows." "I know that. Or else, if nothing happens he will become immersed in the trade and the financial speculations like the rest. It must be so.

"It will not hurt him. He will only feel a little stupid and dull when he wakes up. You have seen boys look into the ink-pool before." "That is the reason why I am not going to see it any more. You'd better go, Grish Chunder." He went, declaring far down the staircase that it was throwing away my only chance of looking into the future.

The adventures of a Viking had been written many times before; the history of a Greek galley-slave was no new thing, and though I wrote both, who could challenge or confirm the accuracy of my details? I might as well tell a tale of two thousand years hence. The Lords of Life and Death were as cunning as Grish Chunder had hinted.

"That is the reason why I am not going to see it any more. You'd better go, Grish Chunder." He went, declaring far down the staircase that it was throwing away my only chance of looking into the future. This left me unmoved, for I was concerned for the past, and no peering of hypnotized boys into mirrors and ink-pools would help me do that.

This fat black man could never tell them how Pir Prith hauled the eye-teeth out of ten devils; how the big stones came to lie all in a row on top of the Khusru hills, and what happened if you shouted through the village-gate to the gray wolf at even 'Badl Khas is dead. Meantime Grish Chunder De talked hastily and much to Tallantire, after the manner of those who are 'more English than the English, of Oxford and 'home, with much curious book-knowledge of bump-suppers, cricket-matches, hunting-runs, and other unholy sports of the alien.

Grish Chunder De was more English than the English, and yet possessed of that peculiar sympathy and insight which the best among the best Service in the world could only win to at the end of their service.

It was to this place that Grish Chunder De was travelling, there formally to take over charge of the district. But the news of his coming had gone before. Bengalis were as scarce as poodles among the simple Borderers, who cut each other's heads open with their long spades and worshipped impartially at Hindu and Mahomedan shrines.