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It was very remarkable that a man living as Master Byles Gridley had lived for so long a time should all at once display such liberality as he showed to a young woman who had no claim upon him, except that he had rescued her from the consequences of her own imprudence and warned her against impending dangers.

He was over the road last week, and I happened to be in Goodloe's office at Little Butte when he got off to look around," was the curt rejoinder. "But that doesn't help any. What do you know?" "He is a gentleman," said Gridley slowly. "Oh, the devil! what do I care about " "And a scholar," the master-mechanic went on imperturbably. The buckboard driver's black eyes snapped.

"And, so far, we win. We're having a bully time!" "What else did we come out here for?" "To harden and train ourselves so that we can make a hard try for the Gridley High School football eleven this fall." "Will a week of training table undo the harm of to-day's big feasts?" groaned Reade. "No fellow is obliged to make a glutton of himself," retorted Dick.

"They won't do it before next year," Prescott staunchly retorted. Just then Cobber lost fifteen yards on penalty, and Gridley H.S. had the ball at the moment when it was sadly needed. "Band, four bars of 'Hot Time in the Old Town!" yelled Prescott through the big megaphone. The leader's baton fell like a flash. The band itself sharing in the excitement fairly ripped the air out in gallop time.

He talked about having a pistol, in case he were attacked by any of the ruffians who are so numerous in the city, but Mr. Gridley told him, No! he would certainly shoot himself, and he shouldn't think of letting him take a pistol. They went forth, Mentor and Telemachus, at the appointed time, to dare the perils of the railroad and the snares of the city. Mrs.

Lem, sitting in his doorway and watching the clock, heard the approach of the laughing, singing straw-ride in which she had gone, with a long breath of relief; but the big hay-wagon did not stop at his gate. He called after it in a harsh voice and was told that "Ed Gridley and she went off to the hotel to get supper. He said he'd bring her home later."

All I need say about it is, that before arriving at the latter port I formed an intimate acquaintance with one of the passengers Mr. Junius H. Gridley, a Boston merchant, who was returning from a hurried business trip to Europe. He was and is a most agreeable companion.

"I wonder why I usually get that sort of thing, while that fellow Prescott has a band to play him in," muttered Fred. The bulk of the audience was now quiet, while the three hundred visiting fans roared out one of their school yells. Then followed a noisy whooping of the Gridley High School yell. Coach Luce had walked over to a post behind the sub bench.

Miss Cynthy, there's one of the best men and one of the learnedest men that ever lived that's a real friend of Myrtle Hazard, and a better friend to her than she knows of, for ever sence he brought her home, he feels jest like a father to her, and that man is Mr. Gridley, that lives in this house. It's him I 'll speak to about the minister's carry'in's on.

Gridley ventured the opinion that we should be thankful to the daily press which now disseminates the news of such things promptly, instead of allowing it to travel slowly by word of mouth, as it did in less advanced times a process in which a little truth becomes very shortly a mighty untruth.